Posts tagged with ‘man’

  • Mar192024

    The man went to Alaska in the hunt for the Black Pyramid and disappeared

    On May 27, 2020, Nathan Campbell, 41, chartered a charter plane out of Talkeetna to fly to a small lake…

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  • Mar162024

    The true story of a sinkhole that swallowed a person in his bedroom

    One of probably the most shocking and tragic events of 2013 was the sudden disappearance of Jeff Bush, a 37-year-old…

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  • Mar152024

    The man who visited 1966

    Time slips, also often called time shifts or time warps, are a phenomenon whereby a person experiences a sudden change…

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  • Mar142024

    Unexplained case of spontaneous combustion of a person in London

    In 2017 an an incident occurred which still stays shrouded in mystery and with no final explanation. However, there are…

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  • Mar142024

    Unanswered case: The homeless man who moved back in time

    Most of us live in a state of mindless acceptance. We walk through a bit questioned area of ​​this life…

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