MMy name is Krystal and the story I'm about to tell you is true. Last summer I lay in bed…
ABOUTOne day, when I was 10 years senior, my friend and I decided to go for a walk in the…
AND I always believed in ghost. I wanted to see one who would experience the thrill that anyone who encounters…
meHave you ever wondered how things got this way they did? Why do some places give us this eerie feeling…
AND I had just moved to a up-to-date house and I overheard my mother talking about a ghost in our…
ANDIt's humorous when certain events happen in our lives and we blame it all on bad luck. The funniest things…
Tthis is one of the stories that haunts me to this day. I'm the type of person who doesn't believe…
HHave you ever encountered a ghost, creature or something paranormal but weren't aware of it until someone told you about…
Tthis all happened last summer (August), here in Cardiff, UK. At around 7pm my friend and I decided to go…
This entire experience felt 100% real because it was happening in my head; I suppose it must have been a…