The gloomy side of Christmas: La Befana – the Italian Christmas witch
Read moreOn her eternal journey to greet Baby Jesus, the Italian Christmas witch, La Befana leaves sweets for children and a…
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The Dim Side of Christmas: The Legend of Frau Perchta
Read moreAt Christmas time, stories were told about Mrs. Perchta visiting people's homes and checking whether they were doing well or…
The Dim Side of Christmas: Hans Trapp – A Child Eating a Scarecrow
Read moreThe children of Alsace are often reminded to watch out for Hans Trapp, the cursed baron now disguised as a…
Christmas at the Lefferts-Laidlaw home at 136 Clinton Avenue in Brooklyn
Read moreBefore Christmas, uninvited guests arrived at the Lefferts-Laidlaw House at 136 Clinton Avenue in Brooklyn and knocked on the door.…
Many faces of Santa Claus for Christmas
Read moreValerie M. Fridland: Everyone has heard of Santa Claus, that chubby, white-bearded guy in a red suit who delivers Christmas…
Haunting the plastic Christmas tree at the Dorrington Hotel
Read moreThe original owner of the Dorrington Hotel in California is said to be haunted by it. One Christmas, the ghost…
David Fee – Christmas ghost shot down in Victoria's Bastion Square
Read moreDavid Fee was on his way to Christmas Mass in Victoria, Canada, when he was accidentally shot down by a…
The Murky Side of Christmas: The Haunting Legend of Krampus and Krampusnacht
Read moreAt Santa's side you will sometimes find his evil companion, Krampus, who finds children and punishes them if they have…
A spooky gathering of Polish kings in the Dragon's Den on Christmas Eve
Read moreDeep beneath the Wawel Hill in Krakow, in caves called the Dragon's Den, a royal gathering is said to take…