Posts tagged with ‘live’

  • Mar052025

    Do we live in computer simulation? Experimental test

    In anticipation of another public lecture, the organizer asked for the title of my lecture. I suggested: “Hunting for aliens”.…

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  • Sep192024

    The creators of the simulation live in a reality larger than their imagination.

    Over the past century, physicists have better understood physical reality by examining the relativity of space and time, the curvature…

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  • Mar232024

    Native Hawaiian sacred sites were destroyed by the Lahaina fires, but – as an area scholar writes – their stories will continue to exist

    Native Hawaiians are devastated by the recent wildfires swept across Lahainaon Maui, killing dozens of residents and destroying lots of…

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  • Mar192024

    The ghosts of murdered Scots and their executioners live in Chillingham Castle

    The English Chillingham Castle on the border between England and Scotland was in-built the late twelfth century. According to legend,…

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  • Mar182024

    Could dinosaurs be the explanation humans can't live to be 200?

    All people get old. It is an element of our biology and limits our lifespan to only over 120 years.…

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