Posts tagged with ‘nuclear’

  • Nov252024

    Do non-human intelligences control our nuclear fate?

    One compelling hypothesis suggests that the number of UAP observations increases in times of heightened geopolitical tension, especially when the…

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  • Mar192024

    Will human civilization survive after a nuclear war?

    We live in times when Russia is starting to scare your entire world with nuclear weapons, and political tensions on…

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  • Mar142024

    The mystery of a 2 billion-year-old nuclear reactor in Africa

    Imagine that two billion years ago the primary nuclear reactor was built not by humans, but by nature itself. That's…

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  • Mar132024

    The Pentagon has video of a UFO shooting down a nuclear missile

    Have you ever heard of the UFO that allegedly shot down a nuclear missile in 1964? If not, you are…

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