Posts tagged with ‘lost’

  • Jul312024

    World War Zero and the Lost Civilization of the Sea People

    The Sea Peoples were allegedly a confederation of seafaring groups known to have attacked archaic Egypt before the Bronze Age…

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  • Jun142024

    A 5,000-year-old star map drawn by a lost advanced civilization

    One of the fascinating archaeological mysteries is the discovery of the so-called Cochno stone. Discovered in 1887 by the Reverend…

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  • Jun122024

    The Lost City of Kilstuitheen on the Cliffs of Moher

    It is said that in the watery depths of the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland is the ghostly island and…

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  • Jun042024

    The haunting of Ballyheigue Castle and the tale of the lost treasure

    One shadowy night a Danish ship was wrecked near Ballyheigue Castle. The ship was carrying silver, and during the raid…

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