Posts tagged with ‘human’

  • May312024

    Human blood on the floors and walls

    In its September 9, 1987 issue, the Atlanta Journal Constitution published a bizarre story that became known as The House…

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  • Apr102024

    one of the best book ever written has no human creator

    The Urantia Book, a volume dedicated to spiritual, philosophical and spiritual thought, appears as a profound narrative that transcends conventional…

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  • Mar282024

    Hearing ghost voices relies on pseudoscience and the unreliability of human perception

    Non-trivial numbers of Americans imagine in paranormal phenomena. These beliefs have spawned hundreds groups dedicated to investigating paranormal phenomena and…

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  • Mar192024

    Will human civilization survive after a nuclear war?

    We live in times when Russia is starting to scare your entire world with nuclear weapons, and political tensions on…

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  • Mar152024

    The mystery of giant human bones present in France

    In 1889, the London newspaper Pall Mall Gazette published a sensational article concerning the discovery of giant human bones in…

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