Posts tagged with ‘Earth’

  • Mar092025

    UFO creators can hide in the oceans of the Earth

    November 14, 2004 US Navy CMDr. David Fravery and his squadron F/A-18F conducted training exercises with the USS Nimitz strike…

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  • Dec202024

    What to do if non-human intelligence is confirmed on Earth

    Imagine waking up and seeing the headline: “Non-Human Intelligence Confirmed on Earth.” For many, this discovery would be like a…

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  • Sep192024

    Harvard Scientist Says Aliens With Artificial Intelligence Are Visiting Earth

    A novel movie on Amazon Prime called Alien Land Project states that the UFOs that people see in the sky…

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  • Aug272024

    Has life on Earth evolved more than once?

    Jordi Paps: From its humble beginnings, life has infected the entire planet with infinite pretty forms. The origin of life…

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  • Jul012024

    The Hollow Earth Theory: From Fiction to Science

    For centuries, Hollow Earth conspiracy theorists have tried to prove that there is another world beneath ours. But first, they…

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  • Jun192024

    10 things that aliens would find strange on Earth

    Imagine an alien race visiting Earth for the first time. As they observe our planet, they may be surprised by…

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  • Mar242024

    psychologists about why some people think they’re aliens living on Earth

    A brand new group of individuals has appeared on Earth who imagine they’re aliens. Star people or star seedsare individuals…

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