A novel movie on Amazon Prime called Alien Land Project states that the UFOs that people see in the sky may actually be AI drones from other planets, not sentient beings. This theory was proposed by prominent scientist, Professor Avi Loeb of Harvard University. He suggests that our AI systems could end up imitating alien AI systems and bypassing humanity entirely
“I can imagine sending AI astronauts on these long journeys. And similarly, if there were other technological civilizations that preceded us billions of years ago, they could send AI astronauts. Now, our AI astronauts may be less advanced than theirs, and if they come to visit us, of course we can use our AI systems to interpret their AI systems. And then, you know, they can feel a kinship with them. And that puts a new spin on Alan Touring's imitation game, which was about AI systems here on Earth imitating humans because we're trying to make them in our image. But in the future, our AI systems could try to imitate extraterrestrial AI systems because they're going to be much more advanced and maybe when they get to that level, you know, that could pave the way for us to be a class of intelligence civilization in the Milky Way galaxy. You know, that's one way to get accepted.”
The film also shows how profound the impact of discovering extraterrestrial life would be on religion and society. Seth Shostak, the lead astronomer of SETI (Search For Extra Terrestrial Intelligence), suggests that it could be similar to the impact of Christopher Columbus and the arrival of Europeans in the novel world – reverse colonialism – where the aliens impose their own beliefs and gods (or none) on us, more primitive people.
He states
“What if aliens come to Earth? That's a whole different story. That's a whole different scenario. And it's even potentially dangerous, often in movies it's dangerous. And that's because anyone who could come here, you know, whatever they want to do, they can do it because they're so much more technologically advanced than we are. It's kind of like the Indians sitting around the campfire in the 1490s, hey, and thinking, you know, there could be other societies on the other side of all this water down there. What if they come here, you know? And they said, well, we should, we better organize ourselves and defend ourselves if they're aggressive. It really didn't matter what they did, that other society was so much more advanced than theirs by centuries, really. And as a result, they were able to do whatever they wanted to do, good or bad.”
The film also examines the Bible for possible evidence of past extraterrestrial contact. There is a passage in the Book of Ezekiel that may describe UFOs.
“Their appearance on the construction site is like a wheel within a wheel.”
The Bible is full of references to heavenly beings that have been interpreted in different ways by believers over the centuries. The stories of the watches, these angelic beings who came down to Earth to impart their knowledge and wisdom to humanity, are found in the Old Testament. And then the New Testament stories of Jesus being visited by angelic beings and being taken up to heaven. Then we have the book of Revelation, which describes these strange creatures with many eyes and wings that some believe are alien beings.
The film also shows how a secret organization within the U.S. government called The Collins Elite may hold real secrets regarding extraterrestrial visitations. Author Brian Allan shares what this Collins Elite group has discovered during their UFO research:
“The aliens were not mechanical, they were not devices, they were not flying machines from other realities or dimensions. They came from HELL”
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