Posts tagged with ‘Black’

  • Aug292024

    What if you flew your warp-powered spaceship into a black hole?

    Warp drives have a long history of nonexistence, despite their ubiquity in science fiction. Writer John Campbell first introduced the…

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  • Aug242024

    Black hole orbiting planet could be a sign of advanced alien civilization

    In 1971, English mathematical physicist and Nobel Prize winner Roger Penrose proposed a way to extract energy from a spinning…

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  • Aug082024

    Black Doctor of the Pines: A Scary Tale from the New Jersey Pine Barrens

    In the murky depths of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, a spectral figure stalks the dense forests, forever etched into…

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  • Jun062024

    The man in black is trying to get you

    I was about 13 years venerable when it all happened. It was Friday, I don't remember the date, but it…

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  • Mar272024

    Abbey of St. Catherine and the haunting of the Black Witch

    Locals claim that within the ruins of an old abbey in Ireland they’ll still hear the dying screams of a…

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  • Mar192024

    The man went to Alaska in the hunt for the Black Pyramid and disappeared

    On May 27, 2020, Nathan Campbell, 41, chartered a charter plane out of Talkeetna to fly to a small lake…

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  • Mar192024

    Inexplicable human-animal hybrids on the Black Obelisk

    The so-called Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III is some of the impressive and mysterious artifacts of the traditional state of…

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