FFirst of all, I know about sleep paralysis and night terrors. What I experienced was neither of these. I moved into a very senior farmhouse with my mother and her boyfriend. Shortly after moving in, I noticed that I heard voices, mostly male, at about the same time every evening. I initially attributed them to my mom or her boyfriend who came out on TV or radio, but after talking to them and doing some research on my own one evening, I realized I was wrong.
Then I started waking up in the middle of the night, unable to move or speak. This went on for a few months on and off, but over time it started to happen again. I could often get moved after saying the Lord's Prayer or one of the psalms, now I'm not a deeply religious person, but I believed it helped me. Towards the end things really got worse, I woke up in this state almost every night. One night when this was happening my mother came into the room, I saw and heard her come in but I couldn't do anything until I said a prayer, she said she heard me saying something but couldn't understand what it was it was, and the closer she got to me, the colder the air seemed. I told her what was going on and she said she had experienced the same thing several times since she moved there.
Well the next night I woke up and saw the same thing, I was sleeping on my side and felt someone put a hand on my shoulder which immediately woke me up, once again I couldn't move or speak, however it was he didn't want me to see it. I forced myself to roll over and confront what was holding me down and to my surprise, the face of an senior woman appeared in front of my face, no body, nothing, just her face, and she screamed at me, “What do I do? ? Now I'm doing it.” Being as crazy as I was, I told her to leave me (empty) alone and go into the lightweight. When I did, she gave me a surprised look and disappeared.
After that I never had that happen again. I searched the house and was unable to determine whether anyone had died there or not. Now that I think about it, I think I could have been a little more kind to this ghost, but hey, after a few months of interrupted sleep, who can blame me.