In 1988, an Argentine news article appeared detailing an encounter between 4 teenagers and a gaggle of short, bald, frog-skinned humanoids with one eye. It is unknown whether these beings were aliens, interdimensional beings, or simply a part of a hoax.
On the night of October 27, 1988, in Pergamino, Argentina, 4 teenage boys were walking to the Viajantes nightclub once they noticed unusual creatures within the park.
According to the outline, these creatures were hairless, had frog-like skin, and had one large eye on their face.
The creatures made “guttural noises”, causing the teenagers great suffering. The very next morning the story made headlines within the local newspaper La Opinión under the headline “Have aliens landed in Pergamino?” causing widespread shock and fear throughout town.
The two-page article included photos of weird prints found on the bottom, interviews with eyewitnesses, and, most notably, a drawing of the looks of a one-eyed dwarf drawn by one among the teenage witnesses.
The exact location of the incident was identified as “a section of Calle 14 in the area of Parque General San Martín, bordering the territory of Club de Viajantes, close to national road 188.” The witnesses were 14-year-old Christian Cassio and three 19-year-olds: Javier Jauregui, Silvio Pena and Dario Duran.
Three witnesses testified that they encountered six “green dwarves”, while one insisted that there have been five. The 4 confirmed that, along with the strange sounds, the dwarves were gesturing with their hands in an try to communicate.
According to the teenagers, they were passing by the park when unknown creatures suddenly emerged from the bushes, causing them to run away in fear. Christian Cassio's account of this event is as follows:
“There were five of them, all of them had no clothes and spoke incomprehensibly. They let out a sort of guttural moan. When they saw me, everyone immediately pointed fingers at me. Their height was about 70 centimeters. From there, I immediately did the “Olympic jump.”
“Then we went to La Caminera with friends, where we told everyone what we had seen, but at first they didn't believe us. Later, when they deemed us sane, we all returned to the Club de Viajantes.”
In the morning, during an inspection of the park within the place where a gaggle of dwarves were allegedly seen, strange traces were found on the bottom, resembling human traces, but as if left by young children. In the next days, the actual “pilgrimage” to this place began; Probably all of the inhabitants of Pergamino who could walk visited here.
During an interview with Club de Viajantes employees, an odd episode was revealed that occurred at the identical time (00:30) because the dwarf sighting. This is the story of worker Alicia Leal.
“A light appeared at the back of the dining room, illuminating the room. Unidentified, and someone tried to open the door. I turned off all the lamps and immediately tried to see if they were thieves. I didn't hear any noises or conversations.
After a few seconds this light started moving and then disappeared. On the street, about 100 yards away, I saw Hector Juan Martinez and one of my grandsons talking among themselves, but they didn't seem to see anything out of the ordinary.
“I immediately told them what I saw, after which a police patrol immediately arrived and told us that they had seen a group of 'green dwarves'. Only then did I fully understand the situation.
“The young people who claimed to have seen something that might have been an alien were very excited about what happened. I was also surprised by the behavior of the dog that lives here with us. The dog never barked even though it was close to where I saw the light.”
Hector Juan Martinez confirmed in a conversation with journalists that he didn’t see or hear anything strange when he was standing next to the club, and he learned about what happened only after the police arrived.
Unfortunately, in the next years the case didn’t differ much from the knowledge that appeared within the newspaper, although ufologists and police investigators tried to analyze it.
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