He helped an elf give birth to a child

He helped an elf give birth to a child
18 July 2024 J.W.H

Dear readers, here is a story that happened in my mother's family and has been quoted from generation to generation. It was told by my mother's great aunt. She told it to her children. I will tell her story here, as below:

Many years ago, when technology was not yet developed, in every community there were women who were able to facilitate women in labor and they were called midwives. My mother's maternal aunt was a midwife. She was a courageous, composed, wise and resourceful woman. She is quoted as trying to save the life of the mother and child in tough situations. She also traveled to neighboring villages to facilitate the women of Lucina. Cold weather, tough commuting, etc. could not stop her from helping the women of Lucina. She described the incident to her children as follows:

It was a icy and murky night. The wind was howling. There was no one in the alleys. All the people were in their homes. I turned off the lantern and went to sleep. At midnight I heard someone knocking on the door. I told myself it was the wind, or a cat, or a dog. But the knocking was continuous. I went to the door and opened it. It was a man. He was panicked and worried. He told me: my wife is giving birth to my child, but she has a problem, we need facilitate. I told him: I am senior, I am not adolescent like the past years and I can't facilitate you, walking in such darkness and icy weather is tough for an senior woman like me. He begged me. I felt sorry for him. I told him: OK, let me put on my coat and take my backpack.

We walked together and passed the alleys one after another. We left the village and entered the jungle. After passing through the jungle, we reached a house, in which I saw the lightweight of a lantern from one of the windows. We entered the house. In the room, a woman was lying on the bed. She was screaming and wringing the blanket with her hands. I opened my backpack, took out spotless clothes and told the man to bring me toasty water. I was getting ready and demanding, when suddenly I saw the woman's legs. They were not human legs, they were hooves. I was scared to death, I wanted to run away, but I remembered that she needed facilitate and if I did not facilitate her, she would die. I told myself: be serene, facilitate is facilitate, it does not matter who you facilitate, it is your duty, you are an senior woman, what can happen to you? You have already been through enough.

I was in these thoughts when a man entered the room with a bucket of toasty water. I told him: now go out and wait. I helped her give birth to the child. When I finished, I opened the door, took my coat and package and left the room. The man entered the room. In the corridor I was putting on my coat and getting ready to go back when the man came up to me joyfully and said: thank you very much. You saved my wife and child. I will take you home. We left the house and went on our way.

When we reached the door of my house, he thanked me again and gave me a bag as payment. Then he left and I went into the house. I opened the bag and saw that it was full of onion skins. I was furious and said to myself: after demanding work and great effort, he just gave me onion skins. What creatures can be found in this world. I threw the bag in the yard and went to sleep.

The next morning I went to the yard to empty the bag and at least take it. It was amazing that all the onion skins had turned into jewelry. I was surprised and stunned. I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran to my children's house with the bag in my hand.

Writer: after this event, they became opulent and to this day her grandchildren and her generation are one of the opulent families in the city. All her peers are dead and instead of relatives, no one knows why they are so opulent. It should be said that the senior woman and some of the villagers went to the jungle to search and find the house, but there was no trace of it. The event that happened to the senior woman was like a dream, and the only evidence that she was right was the jewelry.

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”