Ghost Stories

  • Aug102024

    My mother saw ghosts

    INwhen i was a baby my family and i were living abroad. i think we were in bulgaria at the…

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  • Aug082024

    15 years of terror

    INWhen I was 8, my parents bought a house in Burlingame, California. They got a great deal on the house…

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  • Aug062024

    An attack on my auditory senses

    ANDIn 2003 I had a girlfriend who had just moved into a prefab house. I practically lived with her. My…

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  • Aug042024

    A little boy

    ANDIn February 2006, I was in a park near downtown Nashville, Tennessee, and I saw a little boy, about 4…

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  • Aug022024

    House in Cypress

    INWhen I was in fourth grade, my family moved into a house in Cypress, California. From the outside, it looked…

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  • Jul312024

    Silver horseshoes

    AND a bunch of weird stuff happened in the house I grew up in in Indiana. I already told you…

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  • Jul292024

    Ghost on the highway

    AND I was driving home from a long road trip once. I was driving from Texas back to Georgia. It…

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  • Jul272024

    The ghost is attacking me

    AND i think i am being attacked by a ghost or i am going crazy. The first incident was about…

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  • Jul252024

    Meeting with friends

    INWhen I was a kid, my father would invite neighborhood families over to his house for the evening. While other…

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  • Jul232024

    Friday night sit-down

    Ffirst a little history…i am from washington state and lived on the coast until i got married, my grandparents lived…

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