A novel show has just launched on the Sci Fi Central YouTube channel that looks at the English Bigfoot – Bigfoot spotted in England.
It has been seen several times at a popular picnic spot called Box Hill in Surrey. It has been described as being larger than a monkey, shaggy, standing on 2 legs and about the same size as a human. Researcher and presenter Mark Christopher Lee has named it “Medium Foot” because it is not nearly as gigantic as the American Bigfoot.
Lee also claims there is evidence of another British Bigfoot in Rendelsham Forest in Suffolk, which was dubbed – The British Roswell – after an alleged UFO landed there in 1980 and was spotted by American soldiers. He adds:
“There are a number of sightings of a cryptid-like ape-like creature prowling around Rendelsham Woods these days. Author and Bigfoot researcher Nick Redfern has named it the Rendelsham Shrug Monkey and says it's been sightings since the Middle Ages. I definitely heard something unexplained there, something like a Bigfoot howl – we were scared when we heard it.”
Sightings of ape-like cryptids have been made all over the world, including Yeti in Nepal, Almasty in Russia, and Sasquatch or Bigfoot in North America. Why couldn't northern Europe have its own Bigfoot? Some even suggest that these creatures are paranormal, which is why none have been captured or skeletons found. They are mostly found in other dimensions, and occasionally cross over into ours.
Spiritual healer Rae Dove sees the Sasquatch as an original Earth dweller who has a special connection to the aliens. She says this explains why UFOs and ORBs are often seen during Sasquatch sightings.
The program is now available on streaming Sci-Fi Central on Youtube
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