Bad Experience at Bachelors Grove

Bad Experience at Bachelors Grove
7 July 2024 J.W.H

Back October 15, 2004 my girlfriend thought it would be a good idea to take me to Bachelors Grove Cemetery, the week before my birthday, as one of my presents. I'm really into the supernatural, so I was really excited about it. I even went out and bought a digital recorder and got out my digital camera. We left on Saturday, around 12:00. I live about an hour and a half away, so I wanted to make the most of it. When we got there we parked across the street in the forest preserve parking lot and then crossed the street (there's nowhere to park except here, and if you try to park anywhere else you'll get towed and ticketed). It's not a long walk from there, but the closer you get to the gates the more it started to get really weird. I turned on the recorder and it jumped from 17 seconds to 23. I kept recording and took a bunch of pictures. It was about 100 degrees that day and it started raining so we rushed and took as many pictures as we could. While we were there we noticed a really weird feeling of being watched and I kept feeling like something was breathing down my neck. We decided to leave after about 20 minutes. It was freaking us out and we were the only ones there. I left my recorder on until we got to the end of the trail and left the area. When we got to the car I played all of our recordings. I literally had a heart attack when I heard that. I heard a voice whispering to get out and other things like at one point I said to my girlfriend take a picture of me next to this. Then you hear, almost mockingly, yes take a picture. Really weird things started happening when I got home.

That night (remember, I am very hearty and never get infirmed). That day I felt perfect, and that night, out of the blue, I got a terrible cough and sore throat. There is no way I could have gotten that infirmed, because I was out in the cool, dressed as warmly as I was, for 20 minutes. Anyway, the next morning when my girlfriend came over, I was worse. I had a fever of about 101 and diarrhea. I was so infirmed I could barely move. She brought her laptop and we looked at the pictures together. We did a lot of things on the camera. We got a picture of a man by a downed tree, a full-size apparition of a woman floating holding what looked like flowers. There were a lot of other pictures of faces and white mists. After that ordeal, things got even worse. About a month later we moved into an apartment together, and after only two months we were in a car accident. A month later she lost her job for no reason, and I lost mine. No matter how many interviews we went to, we couldn't find a job! That whole year was a disaster. We were constantly infirmed with the flu and had housing issues. We lost our apartment after only a year! We had to move in with my parents and it took us months to find a job. I truly believe the cemetery had something to do with it because we were elated and hearty before. I will never go back there. My friends want to, but I tell them they are crazy. There is more to that place than people think. I never believed in curses or anything like that until this happened. Things have improved a bit, but they are not perfect. It has been two years. I still have the voice recordings and pictures, and I still hear strange voices. I show my pictures to people and I have tried to post them on ghost sites, but they never show up like I had hoped. I highly recommend that any ghost hunters never go there. That place is haunted and a good find, but it is better to just leave the ghosts alone. They clearly do not want people there. Thanks for reading.

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”