ABOUTNe Cold Night, when the rain hit my windows and the darkness was lying on me, I was lying in bed. I couldn't sleep because the rain was so difficult. I only lived with my mother and father, and then I was only 10 years aged. I wasn't sure if it's just my imagination, but I started to hear the sounds, like a breathable man. Although I could have been my imagination and I didn't want to enter and wake my parents. But the sounds deteriorated, and the whispers became clear that he tried to tell me something! I really started trembling, and the louder, the more I was afraid. I gave the courage to reach for the lightweight when I felt someone stopping me, I turned and looked at my mirror. Suddenly I saw an aged man behind me! Then it disappeared and I have never seen him to this day. What he wanted from me, I will never find out!