Sometimes you might want to read stories concerning the undeniable fact that reptiles live amongst us – creatures similar in description to prehistoric lizards.
There is even an opinion that some individuals are actually reptiles. And they supposedly got here from one other planet. In fact, such visions could be easily induced by certain chemicals. This has been proven by scientific and medical experiments.
Are in all places
Evidence and references to reptiles could be present in just about all cultures of the traditional world. For example, within the territory of Mesopotamia, figurines of creatures resembling dinosaurs, about 7,000 years old, were found.
Ancient Sumerian texts tell of the Anunnaki who at one point ruled the inhabitants of the earth and in addition looked very just like lizards.
The Indian Vedas mention a snake race of Nagas that may change shape. There are Zulu myths concerning the Chitauri, sinister creatures with python heads.
South American Indians once worshiped Quetzalcoatl, a deity whose name translates as “Feathered Serpent.” Finally, the people of Asia believed that emperors were descended from heavenly dragons.
Nowadays, there’s also periodic details about encounters with reptiles (i.e. creatures that appear to be reptiles), and intelligent ones at that. They are sometimes identified as aliens from outer space.
Experiences with psychedelics
In 1990, the University of New Mexico conducted research on the psychedelic drug N-dimethyltryptamine, higher often known as DMT. This substance is of natural origin and occurs in each plant and animal organisms.
The experiments were supervised by physician and assistant professor of psychology Rick Strassman. 60 volunteers took part and received over 40 injections of the drug.
All subjects were relatively healthy physically and mentally, and were of various ages, genders, nationalities, professions and spiritual beliefs. Moreover, in accordance with the conditions of the experiments, they didn’t maintain any contact with one another.
During the study, participants were asked intimately about their condition. More than half of the volunteers said they experienced almost the identical hallucinations.
“Cold and Scary”
First, colourful images appeared before the topic's eyes as if in a kaleidoscope, and a vibrating sound was heard in his ears. The person then looked as if it would fly out of their body and find themselves in a room crammed with strange devices.
And then there have been creatures that looked like lizards. They had large eyes, webbed paws, sharp claws, and their skin seemed to be very tough.
Sometimes there have been also robots, creatures that looked like huge praying mantises, and grey people from science fiction movies about aliens. Apparently, nonetheless, the essential ones were reptiles. They communicated telepathically with people.
Almost everyone described them as “cold and indifferent”, “intelligent and sharp”. Moreover, the topics remembered that they felt intense fear when coping with reptiles. At the identical time, people were impressed.
It remains to be unknown why the DMT-induced hallucinations were the way in which they were. Some researchers suggest that the drug activated previously dormant areas of the human brain.
Modern physicists consider that humans can only perceive 0.005% of the visible light spectrum. A big selection of life forms may exist beyond our perception. There are those that consider that psychedelics open a portal to a different dimension.
But a method or one other, this information gives food for thought: if in an altered state of consciousness, with none external suggestion, people see the identical images, perhaps these items and mysterious entities really exist or once existed, and now they’ve been transmitted through gene memory?
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