On the night of June 23, 1976, in the urban district of Aricanduva in São Paulo, Brazil, 18-year-old Paulo Coutinho experienced an extraordinary event that changed his life forever.
At approximately 11:45 p.m., after leaving night school, Paulo encountered a phenomenon that defies conventional explanations – a sighting and subsequent abduction by creatures described as “very short” beings with unusual physical characteristics.
The event took place under the city's shadowy sky, where Paulo first observed a moving bright object. The ship, described as a massive red and gray cigar-shaped structure, measured approximately 650 feet in length. From this object emerged a humanoid figure with a vast head, pointed ears, and a snub nose “like a pig's”, wearing a tight, bluish-gray suit with an emblem on the chest.
What began as a uncomplicated walk home turned into a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind (CE-IV) as Paulo was taken aboard the ship and subjected to a series of mind-blowing experiences.
Paulo Coutinho, 18, did not return home after attending night school. The next morning, a friend brought Paulo's textbooks and notebooks to his parents, saying he found them scattered in the street around midnight.
Despite a police investigation, Paulo could not be found. In the evening, many people gathered at Coutinho's house.
Suddenly the boy's father, Jose Alves, felt strongly that his son was protected and would return, and he wanted to check the back of the garden for any signs of him. However, he did not immediately react to this feeling, instead choosing to reassure his family.
Moments later there were moans, and when the back door to the garden was opened, Paulo was found lying on the steps, semi-conscious and icy, as if he had been there for some time. He was later resuscitated at a nearby hospital.
The police officer who carried him to the ambulance testified that he felt unusual irritation on his body, especially on his arms.
Additionally, the pens in Paulo's pocket were found to be highly radioactive. At approximately 7:30 that evening, neighbor Virginia observed a strange, bright object hovering near the roof of Coutinho's home before moving away. Her daughter also witnessed the incident.

According to Paulo, on December 23, he sporadically heard a mysterious whistle. After leaving class at 11:30 p.m., he walked his girlfriend home and then noticed a moving featherlight in the sky and quickly realized it was not a plane.
He felt a sudden chill and became paralyzed, unable to scream. The featherlight descended and stopped at a distance of 20-25 feet and then slowly dimmed.
A “very short” creature emerged with a vast head, pointed ears, a petite mouth, and a snub, pig-like nose. Bald and eyebrowless, he wore a blue-gray one-piece suit with an emblem on the chest.
Paulo described how he levitated past the creature until he finally approached a massive reddish cigar-shaped object that turned metallic gray as it approached.
Feeling dizzy, Paulo walked through the ship's horizontal doors and found himself in a murky gray, circular room. The three beings stood and watched him.
After trying to get to his knees, he felt paralyzed again and received a telepathic message assuring him that no harm would come to him. The creatures turned and moved towards the wall, which disappeared, revealing a larger room containing six additional creatures.
This second room was stark, with no apparent featherlight source or furniture. Paulo sat on the floor facing the side wall, where moving images of his girlfriend, school friends and parents appeared, seemingly mirroring their actions in real time. He demanded to know what they wanted. Telepathically, they explained that they wanted to understand how life originated in the universe.
When Paulo asked about the three “different” beings, he learned that they were women. He was told that sexual reproduction did not occur in their society; children were bred in laboratories for specific social roles. When Paulo asked to go home, one of them touched the projection on the wall and looked at the woman. A corridor with red lighting appeared.
Forced to walk, Paulo entered the hallway and encountered a bed-like structure emerging from the wall. As he lay there, he was illuminated by the touch of one being. Shortly thereafter, he became dizzy and was thrown from the ship, regaining consciousness on the garden stairs where he heard his parents talking.
After waking up in the hospital, Paulo felt numbness and tingling all over his body.
The encounter, documented by Mario Martins Ribeiro for Apex, has since been classified as a significant case in ufology due to its rich details and the physical evidence left behind, including radioactive materials.
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