The spirit of Kathleen who loved Saint. Kevin in Glendalough

The spirit of Kathleen who loved Saint. Kevin in Glendalough
1 May 2024 J.W.H

In the monastic town of Glendalough in Ireland, Kathleen's ghost still haunts the place due to her love for the hermit, Saint. Kevin, it went unsuitable. Did he really reject her? Or possibly he actually killed her?

In the guts of charming Glendalough, in a valley between two lakes and amidst the luxurious countryside of County Wicklow, Ireland, lies a centuries-old legend that also casts a ghostly spell within the place often called the Monastery Town.

In Glendalough within the sixth century, St. Kevin founded one among the earliest monastic settlements. He was known for his hermit life and pious outlook on life in prayer and meditation. It is claimed that he died on the age of 120, and lots of strange and mystical legends surround him and his life.

Two stories about love and remorse

One legend says that Kathleen's ghost haunts the convent in Glendalough. She is claimed to be a lady wearing red whose ethereal presence is recorded within the annals of Irish folklore and was also published within the magazine “Haunted Ireland: A Selected Book of Famous Irish Ghost Stories” by Leo Bowes in 1975

Saint: Kevin

There are two versions of Kathleen's haunting story, each weaving a singular tapestry of affection, lust and redemption.

Kathleen the Seductress

In the primary version, the story begins with an area girl named Kathleen, captivated by the youthful and handsome Saint. Kevin, who lived as a hermit and was not in search of earthly love. Even though she knew this, she tried to seduce the holy man. However, Saint Kevin, steadfast in his faith, rejected her advances.

But when she didn't hand over her advances, he picked stinging nettles and stung Kathleen's face, arms, and feet until she regained her senses. Overcome with remorse and shame for what she had done, Kathleen fell to her knees, begging for forgiveness. Saint Kevin, at all times an emblem of mercy, offered prayers to assist her see the error of her ways.

His prayers found acceptance in heaven, and Kathleen underwent a profound transformation, becoming a “sincere convert” to the trail of righteousness and living a pure life from then on.

Kathleen the Witch

The second version of this charming legend presents a darker portrait of Kathleen, one among obsession and tragedy. In this interpretation, Kathleen, probably a practitioner of dark magic and a witch, became so infatuated with the young Saint. Kevin that she followed him to his distant cave, perched high on the slopes of Mount Lugduff, now often called Mount St. Kevin. Kevin. Bed.

Saint's cell Kevin: was a stone structure situated on a rocky spur above the lake. Only the foundations have survived to today and it could have had a roof with stone corbels. Saint's bed Kevina is a cave in a rock wall, situated about 8 meters above the extent of Lake Superior, on its southern side, near the Spinc cliffs. Traditionally, they were considered the retreat of Saint. Kevin, and later Saint. Lawrence O'Toole. The cave, partly created by human hands, reaches 2 meters into the rock.

It is a cave within the rock on the south side of Lake Superior and is reported to have been the place of retreat for Saint. Kevin, who spent a big a part of his life alone.

Fueled by anger that she had invaded his sacred place of solitude, Saint. Kevin pushed Kathleen off the sting of a mountain cliff, where she prematurely ended up drowning within the waters below.

We also find this version in a folk song about this legend, which became famous when sung by Dubliners:

Terrifying apparitions in Glendalough

For centuries, Kathleen's ghostly presence has manifested itself to those that have walked the hallowed grounds of Glendalough, leaving an indelible mark on local history and lore.

The Wicklow People newspaper, in an article on April 25, 1975, documented three terrifying sightings of this enigmatic ghostly figure.

The first account is of a pair who visited Glendalough on All Souls' Day in 1970. Armed with a camera, they captured the serene great thing about the landscape. After developing the photos, an unexpected and disturbing sight emerged – a weathered old woman wrapped in a shawl, standing just just a few feet from the photographer's fiancé.

Church of St. Kevin: It is usually called Saint's Kitchen. Kevin, even though it was not used for cooking. Its original purpose is unknown, even though it is feasible that it was used to store the relics of Saint. Kevin.

The second sighting concerns an American visitor and her daughter who went on a tour of the location in November 1974. When a movie of their trip was made, their photos revealed a startling figure – a lady wearing a protracted red dress and shawl, her steps quickening along the trail resulting in ancient tower.

The third account comes from Dick Fuller, an American who, in March 1975, decided to spend St. Patrick's Day in Ireland. During his visit to Glendalough he witnessed something truly extraordinary and described their encounter as follows:

My wife went to see if the gift shop was open while I visited the cemetery. I walked from the doorway to the Tower and walked around to see if I could read the writing on the back of the stones. I looked around to see if my wife was joining me, and after I did, I saw a red figure moving from left to right, towards the collapsed constructing. I believed it was one other person within the cemetery. I walked towards the ruins, expecting to see an individual wearing red, but there was nobody there.” He continued, “Since there was just one entrance, this person couldn't appear without passing me… As far as I'm concerned, I saw a ghost.

A monk in a black robe

However, the ghost of Kathleen in Red just isn’t the one ghost that haunts the traditional site. There have been recent reports of sightings of somebody who looks like a monk wearing a black robe.

It comes from a camping trip within the early 2000s when a bunch of friends decided to camp at an ancient site. However, they soon escaped once they heard footsteps and suddenly saw a bunch of monks standing near them and watching them.

The mysterious charm of Glendalough

In Glendalough, where the mists caress the traditional stones and the wind whispers ancient tales, we discover the top of the haunting legend of Kathleen and Saint. Kevin.

While the reality about Kathleen's fate stays shrouded in mystery, the legacy of her ghostly presence lives on. In the monastic town of Glendalough, visitors proceed to report unexplainable sightings and eerie encounters, as if Kathleen's spirit stays without end sure to the place that holds each her love and tragedy.

While the stories vary, whether or not they portray Kathleen as a seductress searching for redemption or a witch overcome by obsession, the essential message stays the identical. Love, lust and remorse intertwine throughout the tapestry of this haunting story, reminding us of the facility of our decisions and their consequences.

Glendalough: A glacial valley known for its early medieval monastic settlement, founded within the sixth century by Saint. Kevin. In the years 1825–1957 there was a Galena lead mine within the valley. Today, Glendalough serves as a recreational area, offering picnics, hikes on well-maintained trails of various difficulty, and mountain climbing.

As Kathleen's ghostly figure appears in photographs and stories, the ethereal great thing about the Glendalough landscape becomes intertwined together with her ghostly presence. Her apparition, wearing red, is a reminder of the longing and heartache that transcend time and leave an indelible mark on those that encounter her.

And because the misty veil of Glendalough parts, revealing the specter of St. Kevin, the black-robed monk, it becomes obvious that the Monastery City holds more secrets than anyone can fathom. Sightings of this enigmatic figure, together with Kathleen's ghost, add a mysterious charm that permeates the air, charming and intriguing anyone who ventures into this ancient place.

As the sun sets over the traditional ruins and the shadows lengthen, the ghostly whispers of Kathleen and St. Kevin's voices still echo throughout the valley. Glendalough stays a spot of intrigue and fascination, inviting all those drawn to its enigmatic charm to experience the ethereal touch of Kathleen's spirit, eternally wandering the sacred grounds of her lost love.


The Spirit of Glendalough – the heritage of County Wicklow

Kevin from Glendalough – Wikipedia

Glendalough | Haunted Wicklow, Ireland | Ghost Island

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  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”