“Operation Saucer” is an investigation into a terrifying series of reported incidents dating back to 1977, during which residents of the Brazilian town of Colares claimed not only to have seen flying saucers, but also to have been attacked by them.
Bright objects of various shapes, sizes and colours were said to be flying at a low altitude – just a few metres above the treetops – and shooting beams of delicate at people on the ground below.
Several witnesses claimed to have seen beings piloting craft, describing them as no taller than three to four feet. What sets these sightings apart from regular sightings of UFOs in the sky is the multiple and repeated injuries that the humans sustained.

The beams emitted powerful bursts of radiation that caused puncture marks and wounds; some patients reported to local media at the time that they felt as if “a weight had been pressed against their chest.”
The victims’ claims report said: “The beam was approximately seven or eight centimetres in diameter and was white in colour.
“He never hunted them, he just hit them suddenly. When they tried to scream, no sound came out, but their eyes stayed open. The beam was hot, almost as hot as a cigarette burn.”
Describing their injuries, Dr Wellaide Cecim Carvalho, who worked at a health facility in the area in the 1970s, wrote: “All had injuries to their faces or chests.
“The lesions, which looked like radiation damage, began with intense redness of the skin in the affected area. Later, the hair fell out and the skin turned black. There was no pain, only a slight warmth.
“One also noticed small puncture marks on the skin. The victims were men and women of various ages, with no pattern.”

The saucers were quickly dubbed “chupa-chupa” – meaning “mammal-mammal” – and with reports of further sightings and incidents of people being injured or losing blood, panic soon set in. Women and children fled the area, while local men remained to tend to their homes and possessions.
Since no reasonable explanation was provided as to what exactly was behind the so-called UFO attacks, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) was tasked with determining what was happening on the island, and the investigation was officially named Operation Saucer.
A 2,000-page military report was soon produced, containing 500 photos and 16 hours of film that the FAB claimed to have seen with their own eyes.
Ufologist Daniel Rebisso Giese in his book Vampiros Extraterrestres Na Amazonia (Extraterrestrial Vampires from the Amazon) claims that many soldiers suffered nervous breakdowns and others completely lost their minds during the investigation.

The photographs show bright, cylindrical lights, and several drawings show objects of a similar shape that were seen by the island's inhabitants at the time.
Despite this, the operation never explicitly stated that UFOs or aliens were the official cause of the sightings and injuries.
However, high-ranking FAB officials reportedly told a group of ufologists in 2004 that they had been discreetly investigating the existence of UFOs since the mid-1950s.
But what could be the explanation if the alien theory is rejected? Some believe the area was simply used as a testing ground for secret military craft – something humans have also used to explain the mystery of Area 51.
But in addition to these sightings, there are other strange events that keep this case a mystery – and fodder for conspiracy theorists.
Dr Carvalho, who treated the islanders after the “attacks”, later said she felt “forced” to lie to them about their injuries – and tell them they were simply hallucinations.
She said: “This is what the Air Force has always asked me to do. It wasn’t mass hysteria or visual hallucinations.
“Psychiatry proves that it didn't happen. Mystical collective problems can happen when people commit mass suicide.
“But no one can have the same delirium, the same visual, auditory and synthetic hallucination at the same time and in different places.”
She also claims to have seen a UFO herself, adding, “I saw a bright metallic UFO object and it was not plate-shaped, but more like a cone or cylinder.”
Uyrangê Bolivar Soares Nogueira de Hollanda Lima. This is the name of the first officer of our armed forces who appeared publicly to talk about secret UFO research conducted in Brazil.
In addition, Lima – the commander of the operation – gave an interview to UFO magazine in 1997, in which he told how terrified his men were during the investigation.
This 1997 interview is Captain Hollanda’s only official television appearance, in which he revealed a secret program he hosted in 1977 called “Operation Saucer,” a study of brutal UFO attacks in Colares, Brazil. Less than a month after the appearance, he was found strangled in his home. (AI Dub)
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He then released eyewitness accounts of residents waking up to beings dressed in protective gear and shooting colored beams of delicate at their heads. Several officers also reported seeing strange lights emerging from the coastal waters and diving into them, leading some to believe this was the site of a UFO base.
Three months after giving his interview, Captain Hollanda was found dead in his home, apparently having hanged himself with the belt of his bathrobe.
It is secure to say that there is much cause for suspicion in this particular UFO case and it remains one of the most enigmatic and mysterious incidents in the history of unexplained phenomena.
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