The Baca Family Experience

The Baca Family Experience
3 July 2024 J.W.H

HI, my name is Ruby, I am 25 years elderly and I live in Los Angeles, California. Honestly, I am completely fascinated by the idea of ​​the afterlife, I have spent time searching the net and reading books to find true stories, some of which I can relate to, and to learn more about the whole existence of the paranormal. I have no doubt at all that it is true, I have experienced some paranormal activity throughout my life, although some were very fleeting, but they were, I think it would be foolish of me to say they were actual, anyway I would like to share with you my most incredible experience.

About 2 years ago I took over my stepmother's day job. The contract called for me to care for a lovely older woman named Margie for about a month, so I took it. The job description was that I had to live there for the duration of the employment, so I accepted. Plus the Baca family were incredibly kind people.

At first it was great, I fell in love with Margie, she had a witty nature, she also had senile dementia, but she was great anyway, every morning I would wake her up and take her to the toilet and on the way she would stop and say “look!” she would point straight ahead and what I saw was nothing and I would just smile and carry on with my task, that was probably the strangest thing that happened with Margie, but behind schedule at night…

At 8pm my day with Margie was over, I went to my room which was the back room of the house, not far from Margie's room, quite a nice room but also the coldest room in the house. The first week was tranquil, no signs at all, but in the second week I experienced something unusual, I took my portable DVD player with me and one night I decided to watch my documentary about John Lennon. I fell asleep watching it and I remember sneezing, about 4 seconds later I heard a clear “BLESS YOU”, I got up so quickly and scared that I rewinded the DVD, making sure that maybe the documentary mentioned those words somehow, but there was no “BLESS YOU”, I got up and opened the door to look out into the hallway, but everyone was asleep and everything was tranquil and murky, I was completely disoriented. The voice I heard was a man's, the next morning I played the whole DVD again and there was no BLESS YOU, so I decided to leave it that way.

One night I was in my room and was about to start tweezing my eyebrows but my phone interrupted me so I put the tweezers on the bed. Later I came back and saw they were gone. I started looking for them everywhere, under the bed, by the nearby closet, I even took off every piece of bedclothes and shook them out. I looked everywhere. 10 minutes later and with a look of great embarrassment on my face I decided to ask Paul (my boss) if he had borrowed them. He said no. So I went back to my room and I will never forget the feeling I had in my heart. They were right in the middle of my dug out bed. I was in shock, not to mention a little scared. I looked around and I remember my heart was beating so tough that I had a tough time sleeping that night.

And finally the last week of my stay I woke up at 7am as usual, started making the bed, it was a queen size bed and had 3 layers of sheets so I kept going, when I got to the second layer I unfolded the sheet and laid it flat putting the right side in. Now consider that this bed is a queen size so I have to go over to put the left side in, so when I finished putting the right side in I went over to do the left side and to my surprise it was already neatly put in! I panicked! I was standing by myself again looking around and said “THANK YOU, CAN I HELP YOU WITH ANYTHING?” but the room went hushed. I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I decided to confront my boss, Mr. Baca, Margie’s oldest son. He admitted that before he bought the house, the owners were two lesbians, and when he talked to them, they warned him that the house was inhabited by spirits, but they were gentle spirits and liked to play tricks on people. Paul bought it anyway, lived in the house for about 20-30 years with his wife and three children.

Later on in the years, his wife passed away around '99, he believes he wanders around the house helping and cleaning as always, and the room I had was their two older sons' room, so he spends a lot of time there. I felt at ease when he told me that, and I was glad I ever graced her with my presence.

I always believed that I could communicate with the dead, that I would try to support them and understand them. This experience proved to me that I do attract spirits and that I am willing to support them. I have had many more experiences, but I will tell about them another time.

I hope you enjoyed my story, and if anyone else has experienced something similar, don't be afraid. I think your energy scares them even more than they are afraid, so try to maintain that sense of comfort and don't be afraid to talk to them.

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”