INHen, I was in high school, I worked at a seaside resort for the summer. I tried a few jobs my first year, but settled into a fun house based on the stories of Edgar Allen Poe. On the second day I noticed footsteps falling after a long walk that had stopped. I finally looked and there was no one there. I didn't think anything of it. After about a week, other people started talking about a strange event, nothing violent or strange. There were strange lights, the sound of keys rattling, and trails disappearing. They seemed to exist in two different areas more than any other place. We then began to notice two distinct behavioral patterns, Edgar and Allen. Allen was more fun, shining lights on faces before disappearing. Edgar seemed to walk around and up the stairs and passed the graveyard scene.
The sophomore emerged as a running back and was immediately targeted by Edgar and Allen. She had a bandana that was double tied hanging from the loop of her belt. When found in the graveyard scene, it was still double-tied and her belt loop was intact. Every time she was home, she fell victim to a harmless joke. Eventually she started dating one of the guys and was sitting on his lap, and when the 2×4 covered the door at night, it fell over and kicked her out. The way it was in the corner, it should have slid down the wall. Flipping was just impossible for the angle he had. But it gave her a nasty tumor and, I guess, bland concussions. Two days later I saw a hand pulling the curtain and felt something very wrong. The stage was constructed like a box on the side. The front was the only way in or out. I screamed louder than anyone who heard me and there was an employee working. Upon arrival, I walked onto the stage but it was empty. Then I sat down and meditated and asked why this was happening. I saw two visions. One of them was uncontrollably biting guys' hands and the other was her hitchhiking and I felt like it was September. I asked her not to hitchhike in September. Two nights later, a guy associated with the haunted house, but not the actual employee inside, invited her to a party.
When she arrived home with him, a group of guys showed up and raped her at the gun point. She later said she would bite the guys' hand and that's when they put a gun to her head. They felt that since she was on the run, there would be no pressure because then she would be sent home. A few weeks later, in September, she hitchhiked back from a Grateful Dead concert and was picked up by the police as a runaway.
This was the only time Edgar and Allen had ever been violent and it was to protect her. Only one other person knew about the visions I had. No one knew exactly what I saw except a girl named Dottie. She said she never told anyone but was a little scared about how I knew in advance about the other girl biting guys' hands.
By the way, someone said they did some research on this and were told that two workers died on the site when the original structure was built, about 25 years earlier.