Last year, iconic Hollywood and theater actor Patrick Stewart shared personal stories during an hour-long conversation with video blogger and podcaster Rich Roll. In addition to discussing his film and theater career, Stewart talked about his encounters with the paranormal.
Years ago, during his time on Star Trek, Stewart bought a house on Moreno Drive in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. Shortly after his move, strange events began to happen.
He came home one evening to find the door between the garage and the house inexplicably open, even though he always made sure it was locked. Another night, he woke up to the robust smell of burnt food. He ran to the kitchen and found that everything was turned off, but the smell remained.
Then other disturbing phenomena occurred. He often heard footsteps on the stairs and voices in empty rooms.
One day, his school-age son, who had recently moved in with him, greeted him with alarming news. The boy led Stewart into the living room, where books were strewn across the floor and the shelves were in complete disarray.
The son insisted that he had done nothing and claimed that the books disappeared from the shelves in an instant, for no apparent reason. Even though Los Angeles was prone to earthquakes, no tremors were reported that day.
The Stewart home also had a peculiar area called the “Ice Zone” at the base of the stairs. Each time he passed, the temperature dropped rapidly and returned to normal after passing just one degree.
After three years, Stewart moved out.
Shortly thereafter, he received a call from the modern owner of the house, who casually mentioned that her child had seen a strange man at the bottom of the stairs – in the same Ice Zone.
Curious, Stewart asked longtime neighbors about the house and learned that a man had once died there in a terrible accident.
This wasn't Stewart's only exposure to the paranormal.
Years later, while looking for a home in the UK with his wife Sunny Ozell, they visited a centuries-old cottage. As Stewart explored the top floor, he suddenly felt unseen hands grab him by the throat.
Struggling for air, he shouted, “Help! Help!” Sunny rushed to his aid, dragging him into the hallway, where the choking sensation finally subsided.
These incredible experiences had a lasting impact on Stewart, adding a layer of true mystery to the actor's storied career.
Image Source: Pixabay.com