AND I was able to see and talk to ghosts since I was diminutive. For the most part, there are nice, amusing ghosts, but there is one bad being called Cloud-Man. He is towering, wears all black and holds you to a place where you can't move or breathe. Both my mother and I have seen him many times over the years. I would say at least once a week. It causes the bed to shock and paralysis to us both. There is also a teenage woman around 19 or older, who is called Amy, who was my mother in her previous life. He wears an senior, white night nightgown and you can see it almost everywhere. He always visits the corridor and goes to my bedroom and then to the bathroom. There is also a little boy that he is a sailor suit. He is about 5 years senior and moves things and hides things from us. It was once when he moved a table in front of me and caused me to break my hand. However, he did not want to hurt me. There are also 3 older people, but I don't see them only my mother. Psychic told me that both my mother and I are very psychic. I am very interested in ghosts, good and bad. I have many stories, so if you are interested, just let me know and I will tell you some of my experiences.