Hme, some of you may have read my other story “Haunted Hotel”, here is one of my other experiences. One stormy Friday night, around 8:30 p.m., when I was about 16, my mom and dad had to work overtime and my sister was sleeping over at a friend's house. My brother was at my cousin's house. I was home alone. I've had a few ghosts in this house before, but this one is the scariest. I was sitting in the living room watching a TV show and the sink turned on and there was a sound like someone was washing dishes. I looked around the kitchen and saw that all the dishes were still filthy. I thought I heard something, so I went to sleep in my room. I felt like someone was watching me. I kept hearing peaceful trickles, as if my door was opening. I looked and there was no one there. I looked in the mirror and saw the outline of a little boy. My ancient teddy bear that I found in the house when I moved in went flying. He said, “I want my doll.” He sounded furious. I ran to the kitchen, grabbed my phone and called my mom's cell phone. Nobody answered. I was completely terrified. I ran to my room under the bed. When my mom came home, she looked under my bed and was surprised to see me. I told her, “Mom, my old teddy bear went up in the air… I saw a ghost.” She took me to the doctors. She thought I was crazy. The doctor said “she's not crazy, now the best thing you can do is bless the house.” We have a person who will come and bless the house. Some things are still happening. I don't think the blessing of the house was enough.