The original owner of the Dorrington Hotel in California is said to be haunted by it. One Christmas, the ghost of the former mistress of the place destroyed every phony Christmas tree that the current owner had put up.
The Dorrington Hotel is located in the picturesque, mountainous landscape of Calaveras County, California and is not only a charming relic of the past, but also a hotbed of paranormal phenomena. Founded in the mid-19th century, this historic California Gold Rush hotel is haunted by its former lover, Rebecca Dorrington Gardner, whose restless spirit haunts its halls, especially around Christmas time.
With its affluent past and amazing events like its name itself, Calaveras, in Spanish Skulls following reports of native remains, the Dorrington Hotel offers a chilling mix of history and hauntings in the redwoods.
The legacy of John Gardner and his inn
The Dorrington Hotel was built in 1852 by John and Rebecca Gardner, at the top of the Big Valley Road as a bus stop that served as a depot for stockmen and also as a summer resort. John Gardner, a Scottish immigrant, purchased a diminutive sheep ranch and 160 acres of land from Barnabus Smith when it was still just a trail through native Miwok and Washoe lands. Smith, a former private captain of the Massachusetts militia during the War of 1812, received the land in exchange for his military service.
“This is the place!” he wrote to his novel fiancée Rebecca, who remained at home in Scotland, waiting for his word. Gardner quickly turned the property known for its frosty springs, first calling it Cold Spring Ranch, into a profitable roadside business that provided shelter to countless emigrants traveling through the Central Sierra Mountains.
Lady of the Night: Rebecca Dorrington Gardner
Rebecca Dorrington Gardner, the hotel's beloved madam, sailed from Scotland to join her husband in the Sierra Gold Country, and the place was soon named Dorrington, after her maiden name. She outlived her husband by many years, but legend has it that she met a tragic end that bound her spirit to the place she once ruled.
Rebecca is said to have suffered fatal injuries in 1870 when she fell down the back steps of the hotel. Some also claim that she went out during a snowstorm and lost her way, freezing to death. Others say it was massacred by the natives. Although historical records indicate that she died on October 16, 1910 in Altaville, California, at the age of 83, her ghostly presence remains a fixture at the Dorrington Hotel.
Visitors and employees often report seeing Rebecca's ghost, peeping through closed curtains in unoccupied rooms, and not liking how the novel owners interfered with her affairs. Her ghostly activities include doors mysteriously opening and closing, lights flickering, and furniture moving inexplicably.
The hotel dining room is a common spot for sightings, with many people reporting seeing or feeling its presence as it glides through the space. Many guests also claim to have seen her ghost falling down the stairs, a spooky reenactment of her death.
Rebecca's ghost also appears to take pleasure in interacting with state-of-the-art technology, often triggering motion sensors installed throughout the hotel.
On one occasion, she was said to have warned the owner of a gas leak in the kitchen. According to Stoy, she woke him up in the middle of the night to warn him.
The Christmas tree incident
The Christmas season brings an boost in the activity of Rebecca's spirits. A particularly chilling story concerns the annual holiday decorations. One year, the hotel owner decided to put an artificial Christmas tree in every room. To everyone's amazement, every night Rebecca went from room to room, knocking down trees. Every morning, staff and guests found fallen trees, a clear sign of Rebecca's nightly celebrations.
In another strange incident, owner Marc Lanthier experienced something that cemented the hotel's bad reputation. One Christmas after this event, Marc took two photos of the hotel decorated with Christmas lights. When he transferred the photos to his computer, he discovered something disturbing. One photo was dazzling and clear, while the other showed a hazy figure hovering over the hotel. Could this be Rebecca Dorrington Gardner, still overseeing her beloved establishment?
Other spooky residents of the Dorrington Hotel
Rebecca isn't the only ghost that haunts the Dorrington Hotel. Guests reported hearing children laughing and footsteps in the middle of the night, even though there were no children nearby. Could this be one of the four children of the original owners who, along with their mother, haunt the hotel?
Many guests who visit the Dorrington Hotel are especially on the lookout for paranormal activity, hoping to catch a glimpse of Rebecca or other spirits that are said to reside there. Some overnight guests report finding a single footprint near their beds, which was likely left by Rebecca while patrolling the hotel at night.
A night in gold rush country
The Dorrington Hotel remains a captivating blend of history and hauntings, with a affluent past and an dynamic ghostly presence. And during the Christmas season, the chances of meeting Rebecca Dorrington Gardner boost, if you believe the stories, which are not at all joyful with the phony and malleable aspect of state-of-the-art Christmas traditions.
Dorrington, CA – Antoinette May Author and journalist
Image Source: Pixabay.com