Girl in white

Girl in white
12 July 2024 J.W.H

My story takes place in the house I still live in today. My dad would say it's all in my head or that I watch too many ghost movies, but I still think there's something wrong with my house. This is my story!

When I was in 10th grade high school, my parents and I moved in with my sister and her daughter. I always knew something was wrong with the stairs. Well, when my sister had her son, she was walking down the stairs when she was pushed and fell with the baby, which scared my sister, but she ignored it because she tripped. Shortly after, my mom fell down the stairs the same way my sister fell. Some would say it was just the stairs, but when I fell down the stairs, I felt pushed and I know what I felt was real and not in my head. When my sister moved out, my parents and I moved next door and I felt something was very wrong on that side as well.

being in my room, i started to feel like i was being watched all the time, like someone was watching my every move. then my stuff would disappear and reappear somewhere else, and my door would open by itself out of nowhere. after a while my friend stayed over and felt weird in my room to the point she couldn't even sleep. she hasn't stayed over since. well, i started having nightmares, also horrible ones, where i felt like they were real. i had a nightmare where i was in my room and something in my dream woke me up, i looked up and in my doorway was a teenage girl wearing a white nightie, her hair was black and she was floating maybe 2 feet off the ground, all she did was stare at me, i screamed and woke up. when i woke up i saw her standing in my doorway, i quickly looked away and she turned around and disappeared. i was so scared i was shaking and sweating.

Shortly after that my mom went to stay with my sister for the night so it was just me and my dad. I went to bed and my dad was already asleep. When I fell asleep I would be woken up by some woman or girl whispering my name as if it would keep me awake. So I told you about many things that happened to me and I hope you at least believe me when I say I saw a ghost in white!

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”