It's one of the most crucial questions for humanity: “Is there life elsewhere in the universe?” Yet despite years of searching, it's a question that still has no answer.
This puzzle also opens up a host of other questions, from how best to look for signs of life to whether we will be able to understand what we see.
Looking for life elsewhere can also lend a hand us learn something about our own existence. How much of what we think are the basic principles of life on Earth are really just suggestions or convenient coincidences?
Recent discoveries and research have revived discussions about the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence both beyond our planet and potentially here on Earth.

Ancient Mysteries: The Nazca Mummies
One of the most controversial claims about potential extraterrestrial life involves the discovery of the so-called Nazca Mummies in Peru.
In 2017, a group of researchers unveiled what they described as mummified remains devoid of human features discovered near the Nazca Lines, the eminent age-old geoglyphs.
The mummies, with their elongated skulls and three-fingered hands, were initially met with skepticism by the scientific community. However, supporters say DNA analysis and radiocarbon dating suggest that the mummies are not human.
Dr Konstantin Korotkov, a professor at St Petersburg University in Russia, said: “Preliminary results of DNA analysis show that the mummies are not related to any known species on Earth.”
Attorney and former Colorado State Attorney Joshua McDowell, along with three independent forensic experts from the United States, examined One of these unusual bodies was named “Maria.”
They were stunned to discover that the fingerprints of these alleged foreign bodies were composed of perfectly straight lines.
McDowell noted that “they were not traditional human fingerprint patterns,” wionews.com reports.
“We didn't see any loops or coils in the fingerprints, the fingertips, the toes. I'm a former prosecutor. I'm a criminal defense attorney. I've seen a lot of fingerprints. And they weren't classic fingerprints,” he said.
Speaking to The Daily Mail, lawyer Joshua McDowell said: “These were not traditional human fingerprint patterns.”
However, many experts urge caution, pointing to the need for further verification and peer-reviewed research.

New Horizons in Extraterrestrial Research
Beyond age-old mummies, the search for alien life has expanded into more scientifically sound paths. NASA's missions to Mars, most notably the Perseverance rover, have been at the forefront of this search.
The Perseverance probe, launched in July 2020, was equipped with advanced instruments aimed at detecting traces of age-old life on the Red Planet.
Dr. Jennifer Trosper, Perseverance project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, explained: “Perseverance is exploring Jezero Crater, which we believe was once a lakebed. If there was ever microbial life on Mars, this is one of the best places to look for signs of it.”
The rover's discoveries, including the discovery of organic molecules and potential biosignatures, could significantly advance our understanding of the history of Mars and its potential to support life.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has also made progress, using advanced technologies to scan space for signals from alien civilizations.
In 2020, astronomers detected a mysterious signal from Proxima Centauri, the star closest to our solar system. Although the signal, dubbed BLC1, was ultimately deemed unlikely to be alien, it demonstrated efforts to search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
On October 25, 2021, scientists published two studies that concluded the signal may be the result of human-caused radio interference.

Extraterrestrial life on Earth?
Interestingly, the prospect of extraterrestrial life is not confined to distant planets or stars. Recent research suggests that nonhuman intelligences may already exist on Earth in forms we have not yet explored.
Dr. Avi Loeb, an astrophysicist at Harvard University, has been a vocal proponent of this idea. He argues that some unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), commonly known as UFOs, may represent advanced alien technology.
Loeb’s controversial views gained notoriety following the release of a Pentagon report in June 2021 that identified more than 140 incidents involving UAPs that have yet to be resolved.
While the report did not confirm extraterrestrial origins, it did not rule them out either. Loeb stated, “We should use the scientific method to investigate these phenomena just as we would any other unknown.”
In New paperA team of scientists from Harvard Human Flourishing Program and Montana Tech University claim that there may be wise crypto-terrestrial beings living on Earth, hidden from human view. They are believed to live underground or near our planet, such as on the moon.
The study’s authors suggest that these wise crypto-Earth beings may actually be responsible for many of the unidentified aerial phenomena that are typically attributed to intergalactic visitors. It should be noted that the researchers’ work has not yet been peer-reviewed and published as a preprint,
What’s more, a 2020 study from the University of Nottingham suggests there could be at least 36 busy, communicating wise civilizations in our galaxy alone, based on the assumption that life develops in a similar way to that on Earth.
Research led by astrophysicist Christopher Conselice suggests we may not be as special as we once thought.

How would humanity react to confirmation of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence?
According to the results, when humans actually find evidence of extraterrestrial life, “we will probably take it well” presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Austin, Texas.
“Of course, I also predict that if a hostile fleet shows up near Jupiter, we will not be happy,” said study author Michael Varnum of Arizona State University. he said.
By analyzing news headlines and survey responses, Varnum and his colleagues found that people's reactions to discoveries of alien life, both hypothetical and the eminent false reports of microbial fossils discovered on Mars, are generally quite positive.
“I honestly wasn’t sure at all what we would find,” Varnum tells National Geographic. “It’s worth noting that in fiction, the discovery of extraterrestrial life is often portrayed as having negative social or psychological consequences.”
Others, however, are skeptical about the results published in The limits of psychologyfully reflect reality, citing a general focus on microbiological life as well as a non-representative group of respondents.
“I think the fact that a (small) majority of people seem to be 'in favor' of microbes on Mars or elsewhere is not surprising,” says Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute.
“Gray beings are completely different, and the really interesting studies are trying to assess the response to a SETI detection or, even more dramatically, the discovery of alien hardware.”
The journey lasts
From the mysterious Nazca mummies to groundbreaking missions to Mars to the search for technosignatures, each step brings us closer to answering the age-old question: Are we alone?
The Proper Interpretation of Rapid Contact with Extraterrestrial Technologies, Loeb he saidcould bring “the most significant advance in understanding the reality around us in the entire history of mankind.”
What's more, Loeb predicts that this fresh knowledge could have major implications for our future space aspirations.
“Our historical migration out of Africa began about 100,000 years ago,” Loeb said, “but our future migration from Earth may be triggered by a dialogue with a messenger from far away that will be unlike anything we have seen before.”
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