Former owners of the dolls

Former owners of the dolls
19 January 2025 J.W.H

MYour friend Margaret (now approaching 80) has some problems. He loves dolls. She just bought a lot of dolls at an auction. They dated from around the beginning of the 19th century.

A few days ago she spread them all out on the dining room table and left them there when she went to sleep. At around 12:00 that morning she heard a noise, woke up and got out of bed to see what it was. As she walked down the hall to the dining room, she saw a little boy sitting at her table. She got a little closer and saw that the whole side of his face was burned, as if he had been engulfed by fire? So she started shaking her cane at him and shouting at him, saying things like, “Who are you? What are you doing in my house?” And so on. The little boy looked at her, stood up and disappeared.

This, of course, surprised her and she turned to go back down the hall. Now her office is right next to the dining room. As she turned around, something caught her eye in the cave. She looked again and saw the man standing over her coffee table, looking at something. She started screaming again and the man immediately disappeared.

Okay, that was a few nights ago. She was sleeping last night and around 5:00 a.m. she heard a noise and woke up again. This time I will see a youthful lady wearing an antebellum style skirt (long etc.). The lady had a compact, lean brush in her hand and it looked as if she was painting the mirror that Margaret has on the wall. Margaret started shouting at her and she disappeared.

She finally fell back asleep when she woke up at 7:00 a.m. to find a youthful black girl, maybe about 14, standing at the end of her bed. She was wearing the same type of dress. The girl seemed to be looking at something near Margaret's feet. Again. Margaret shouted at her and the ghost disappeared.

She is terrified and cannot understand why this is happening. I think it has something to do with dolls. That day, after seeing the boy and the man, she packed up all the dolls and put them in a spare room. I think these ghosts may own these dolls and are just looking for them. We tried to convince her that she should talk to them, but she refuses.

Any advice or assist explaining this?

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”