Encounter with a mysterious humanoid creature in Barnston

Encounter with a mysterious humanoid creature in Barnston
12 April 2024 J.W.H

Even the dullest person has ever looked up at a transparent, starry night sky and wondered what it's all about, and maybe wondered about their place within the scheme of things within the amazing, vast universe that surrounds our little planet on all sides. sides.

The same applies to time; we live for a brief time frame during which our world orbits the sun about seventy times after which we’re gone – but during our “revolutions” across the sun, a few of us may wonder in regards to the nature of the staggering scale of time and length comparison of our infinitesimal (but oh so precious) ) life.

Recently revised estimates of the age of the observable universe place it at 26.7 billion years; our lives will not be even a transient spark in comparison with this phenomenal spectrum of time, and we learn so little in our short time on earth.

Our knowledge of history is kind of vague; we all know that something catastrophic happened to those mysterious and strange alien-like creatures – dinosaurs – 65 million years ago, but nobody is bound what exactly happened; an asteroid could have hit Earth, or a close-by star could have gone supernova.

The later appearance of man – in keeping with the dogma of evolution – continues to be a matter of debate. Nature never endows a species with excessive equipment beyond the needs of its every day existence – and yet the human brain has an exceptional cubic capability (1400 cc) that’s vastly out of proportion to our every day needs and contradicts the technique of evolution.

When we have a look at our infinitesimal lives in this manner against the backdrop of cosmic existence, we are able to realize that humans will not be the one intelligent civilization within the universe and that we’re almost certainly visited by beings from other dimensions in addition to other parts of the cosmos, and the next alleged case is an example of this.

On the humid night of Friday, June 4, 1993, at roughly 10 p.m., a 23-year-old woman from Barnston, a village and civil parish in Essex, England, named Jenny, decided to take her Jack Russell, Benji, for a walk as he had been sitting in the house while Jenny enjoyed a celebration with family and friends at nearby Devon Doorway.

As soon as Jenny reached for the leash hanging within the hallway of her Milner Road home, Benji jumped at her with excitement.

So tonight dear Jack Russell had an extended walk than usual, and Jenny, consistently counting calories, thought that through the long walk she would burn off a few of those huge slices of birthday cake she had eaten on the Devon Doorway.

The young lady was walking with Benji along Barnston Road and Storeton Lane, the complete moon within the cloudless sky lighting the best way on this warm night.

As Jenny was walking down Storeton Lane, she heard a loud rustling in the large tree overhanging the road, too loud to be a sleepless bird, and Benji was barking furiously within the upper parts of the tree, but Jenny couldn't see anything.

She walked a little bit faster, after which a automotive passed her, and the driving force was kind enough to dim the automotive's headlights.

Just a few seconds after the automotive passed, there was a screech of tires and an accident, after which the automotive broke its flat tire and drove away from the scene. Jenny turned around and saw what she initially saw as a big tree branch on the road, and her mind mistakenly connected the dots.

The noise she had heard within the tree earlier had been branches moving away, and now she was lying on Storeton Lane, but why had the automotive accelerated? Most drivers would stop, perhaps to see what damage a fallen branch had done to their automotive.

Jenny went to have a look at the branch and Benji by some means slipped off his leash and ran towards her, making a whining sound. This “branch” rose from the road surface and stood still; it was the stuff of nightmares – it was a humanoid figure in a black tight suit, with an elongated head with a single orange light for eyes.

The height of this otherworldly, spindly figure was about 20 feet, perhaps more, and he or she turned and checked out Benji, who was barking on the creature's feet. Jenny felt weakness in her legs as sheer fear overwhelmed her.

“Benji! Come here! Benji! – Jenny exclaimed, barely able to get the words out. The creature started walking towards her and Jenny turned around and knew she would never be able to run; she wasn't in good shape, and although she was terrified, she couldn't leave the dog at the mercy of this thing.

She stepped back, wondering what to do. There was a cottage about fifty meters away – maybe she could call there and tell them to call the police.

The strange, gigantic figure stopped and then walked into a field adjacent to Storeton Lane. Benji ran after the creature that Jenny suspected was an alien.

She started crying when a car pulled up on Storeton Lane and flashed its headlights at her. It turned out to be David, Jenny's ex-boyfriend, who asked her why she was crying and she couldn't answer at first, and when David saw she was holding a yellow dog leash, he asked her where Benji was.

Jenny took a deep breath and then told about the unusual event she had witnessed, and she expected David to doubt her story, but he grabbed her hand, squeezed it, and then asked: “Are you saying it went through that field? and nodded towards the farmlands silvered by the full moon.

Jenny nodded and David went back to the car and returned with a flashlight. He walked onto the field with Jenny following him and said, “I wonder what that is?”

“I don't know, I just want my dog ​​back”; – Jenny replied and started crying again, then added: “David, thank you for believing me – I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.”

“We'll find Benji, he's a cunning dog,” David said, and said he thought he heard a dog barking in the space, where the forest bordered the sector.

“I hear that dog. It's not Benji,” Jenny said with a really sad face, her tears glistening within the moonlight.

The couple were walking across the old farm and the beam of David's torch spotted something large heading north.

David said he wasn't sure if it was an illusion of sunshine, however it looked like a large figure and needed to go down the embankment to cross the railway line.

He and Jenny went to Station Road after which entered the sector again and eventually needed to stop because the sector ended on the M53, in order that they turned around and Jenny burst into tears.

She told David that she would never see Benji again and blamed herself for not buying a brand new leash; the old one was tattered, she remembered in a choked voice.

When the pair finally returned to Storeton Lane, they saw the silhouette of a large getting out of David's automotive.

David seemed mesmerized by the sight and ran to his vehicle, urging Jenny to rush because he was going to be following that thing, but after opening the automotive door, he got the shock of his life when Benji jumped out and ran towards Jenny, his tail wagging furiously.

Jenny grabbed her beloved dog and hugged him, and David almost pushed Jenny and Benji into the automotive. He turned the vehicle around and followed the large figure, however it appeared to disappear within the moonlight.

No one believed Jenny and David's story, but at the moment there have been several reports of UFOs on this a part of Barnston and the Landican area.

This amazing experience brought Jenny and David closer again, they usually later married.

What did Benji experience that night?

Whatever this creature was, it seems it was an animal lover and placed Benji in David's automotive before returning to where it got here from. If only dogs could talk.

Image Source: Pixabay.com

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”