AND sometimes i encounter ghosts in my dreams. these dreams always scare me, especially if i am afraid of the experience. some of my dreams are recurring. in some dreams i manage to lend a hand the ghost and other times i am just scared of the energy or negative presence. i wake up and wonder why i am going there in my dreams and think to myself after waking up “oh no! this dream again”. i have had some really scary ghost dreams that i will never forget. one of them was when i was pregnant. i encountered the ghost of a woman who tried to kill me by strangling me and somehow i knew that she actually committed suicide in real life because she lost her unborn child. don't ask me how i knew but i knew she was really upset and jealous of me because i was pregnant and i woke up screaming “no!” because i tried to get her off me she put me on the ground and i felt like she was on top of me when i woke up. i woke up screaming for my life. I was so shocked that I told my partner. In real life I am clairvoyant when it comes to ghosts and spirits.