HI am Dampier Whitney. I am 14 years senior and this true story took place when I was 3-4 years senior. I don't know how I can remember it all. Actually, I only remember very little, but I know what happened. I was at my grandmother's house, I sat alone in her living room. And I was just playing with the Buzz Light Year toy. I looked up and saw a black figure. It was not blurred or disappeared quickly, he just looked at me and switched to the wall. He was immaculate, solid black and had the shape of a cowboy hat and shoes. I shouted, and my mother and grandmother ran there and asked me what was wrong. They say I said, “man went to the wall.” I asked my grandfather about this house when I was 13. He said it was a battlefield in the Civil War when the war lasted. They built their home on this land. His grandmother Lilly saw a black boy hung on the trees. And my grandfather said that at the end of the bed he saw a little girl from the Art Nouveau. He looked closer, disappeared. So the spirit that I and my family saw had to be a civil war people.