ME and my friend Sierra slept in her house one night. We saw a flashing window and thought it was lightning, but we didn't hear anything, so we still looked at her window and saw 3 bullets. While we didn't know it was crops, we didn't know what it was. 30 minutes later we still looked out the window and saw them looking for trees. The trees were quite close to us (they were behind the house before Sierraras) and I said: “As for the hell it is … It can't be a plane because he just followed the tree. It's too small. ” . Then Sierra thought about it for a moment and said it could be a bullet. At the beginning I didn't believe her, but I thought about it and this is the only thing. We were so scared. She told her mother and said to leave (it was at 22:00), so after that we went to the floor, put the covers on our heads and went to sleep.
We told everyone the next day. Nobody believed us. Three days later we had another night, but our second friend, Danielle, was with us. She knew about it and at the beginning she didn't really believe and joked that night. She kept repeated “Hey boys, let's go for photos of bullets!” But she just had fun. We heard that her mother got up and threw herself to our beds. She shouted at her dog, who is still barking, then shouted: “leave my yard!” We didn't know who he was screaming at. Then she was down and repeated “Sierra, Sierra, Jenny Wake Up”. I sat down and Sierra's mother asked us what we saw another night and told her. She said that she had just seen that in her yard one was above the swing and the other by the window we have Sierry. When she shouted “leave my yard”, they slowly returned to the forest. She said they were flashing and she looked like they were taking her photos. She was also in underwear, so it was strange and terrifying. We ran to Sierra's room and we all slept on the floor.
It was terrifying that the only time the balls appeared, when it looked like lightning, but without thunder. Sometimes we would take pictures and look for a ball. Once upon a time, Sierra's friend came and took a picture of her bathroom, a little girl stood inside. They raised everyone. Now that Sierra's mother saw what we saw, everyone knows and believe it now, even though they sometimes joked about it. It really worries me when my parents never believe children. I know that sometimes they lie, but who cares, me, Sierra and Danielle were so crazy that night.