An attack on my auditory senses

An attack on my auditory senses
6 August 2024 J.W.H

ANDIn 2003 I had a girlfriend who had just moved into a prefab house. I practically lived with her. My life was horrible at the time (I might add). As the weeks went by she told me she thought the house was haunted, that she kept hearing noises and seeing things out of the corner of her eye. I just chalked it all up to her overactive imagination. As the weeks went by I started to believe what she was saying. The house just seemed to be dynamic in some way. I also heard these noises at night and saw things out of the corner of my eye, more than I did at my parents' house or anywhere else.

But I was still skeptical until the 3 night streak, all 3 nights in a row. It wasn't unusual for me to stay with her 4th and 5th night in a row, but something was different about these 3 nights. We went to bed around 10pm on Tuesday night. For some reason that night I had trouble falling asleep, my girlfriend fell asleep within minutes. Around 11pm I started hearing a very dull but strange sound. It sounded like someone was slamming a very enormous metal door, closing and opening, closing and opening, over and over again. You know, like one of those enormous dungeon doors from an elderly medieval castle. Not unlike someone smashing a steel beam with a sledgehammer. Very strange, I thought, but very dull, like in the distance. I tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't go away, and as time went on it got louder and louder, like it was coming towards me or something. An hour passed and I was relieved it had stopped. I told my girlfriend the next morning but she hadn't heard a thing. Wednesday night the same thing, we went to bed around 10pm but I still had a tough time falling asleep and the noise continued that night but was noticeably louder than the night before. I even woke my girlfriend up to ask if she could hear the strange noise and she looked confused, she had no idea what I was talking about. I thought I was going crazy or something. It was weird because the noise only continued when I had my eyes closed and slowly got louder and went away over the course of an hour or so. I thought maybe it was all just a weird dream or something, I didn't know what to think.

Then came Thursday night as we were going to bed. I started to get a little worried about trying to sleep but I went to bed with my girlfriend anyway. Around the same time as the previous nights. At first I was ecstatic that this night seemed peaceful. But then it started, this night was different than the first two. This time the noise started to get much louder. The noise pierced my ears. The noise was so noisy that every time it repeated itself my whole head physically rattled. This time I opened my eyes and the noise was louder and louder. My ears started to hurt very intensely with each metal strike. How is that possible, I thought, how can she still sleep, it's as noisy as a freight train. Then I looked out her bedroom door and froze solid. The noise stopped. What looked like a diminutive human figure. More like a black fog, seemed to dissipate. I woke my girlfriend up and told her what had happened. She looked at me like I was crazy. She couldn't hear a thing.

After that night I never experienced anything like that in her house again. Something was wrong with those 3 nights. I do know a few things though. I wasn't dreaming, the noise actually caused me physical pain (in my ears), there was something in her doorway, I never doubted her again when she said she saw or heard something. I will never forget those 3 nights as long as I live.

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”