A little girl walking around the house

A little girl walking around the house
21 July 2024 J.W.H

To I'll tell you the truth, I never saw what I'm about to write… but my mom and neighbor did and I totally believe them. I lived in a house that was divided into three parts and there were three families living there. We happened to live in the smallest part of it. You have to remember I was about 8 at the time so I never really thought much about the house. But even when I was 8 I still felt a little vibration in the bathroom. Now our house was just a living room, kitchen, my room and a bathroom, all in that order and very compact. The bathroom had a little slant in the ceiling that was supposed to be there but it made you feel just… scared. There was no shower in the bathroom because of the slant but the tub looked almost like an senior fashioned tub. I'll tell you what my mom and neighbor saw. On the stairs of the house Dana (neighbor) and my mom saw a little girl about 12 years senior. They said she was dressed in senior fashioned clothes with little shoes. They didn't have a bad feeling about this girl. Around 3:00 in the morning my mom also heard a ball bouncing off this girl. Dana also saw a group of ghost cats. They had a BAD feeling when they heard male footsteps on the stairs. Loud. But the man soon left. It was just a scary house!

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”