Ghosts serving time in Ohio's state reformers

Ghosts serving time in Ohio's state reformers
6 February 2025 J.W.H

The rattling of chains, the Gothic facade and the history of tortured prisoners, riots and murders. It is said that the beautifully terrifying reformers of the Ohio state is one of the most haunted places in the USA.

Standing high since 1896, Ohio reformers in Mansfield, Ohio, is an extremely lovely relic of the past, infamous due to Gothic architecture and a high six -story cell block. Although he gained film fame as the basic place of filming to redeem Shawshank, his ominous reputation was established long before the arrival of Hollywood.

At first glance, the building resembles a residence more than a prison with lovely archers and vivid bricks, and not one of the most haunted places in the USA. But it is said that the interior contains ancient torture chambers, in which it is said that the spirits of prisoners have never been released. Even after the trips, it is said that the sounds of glorious chains, desperate shouts of tormented voices and cutting off church bells are echoing through the corridors.

Ohio state reformers: The original architect of the project was Levi T. Scofield of Cleveland, who used three architectural styles; Victorian Gothic, Richardsonian and Queen Anne. He was inspired by German castles and wanted to create and admire the prisoners, wanting to reform and raise ghosts.

History of the haunted prison

The prison, also known as Mansfield reformers, began as a place to send too ancient prisoners for minors' corrections, but did not commit crimes sufficiently seriously sufficiently for the Ohio prison, and the goal was to reform prisoners so that they would fall more easily after completing the sentence and was known for that he has a high success rate in its program. So what happened to the prison and how did it happen, known as one of the most haunted America?

Redempting Shawshank: The reason why this place may look familiar and is so renowned is the 1993 film, just a few years after the prison closing. It is about a man wrongly convicted of killing his wife and his life in a brutal prison system.

One of the things that is happening was that a fire broke out in the state of Columbus in the state of Ohio and killed 330 people. Many survivors of strenuous criminals were sent to the reformator building, not really prepared to deal with so many prisoners and so many terrible criminals.

Although the intention was aspirational, programs and ideas for prison began to hesitate and turned into a high safety prison in the early 1960s and 70s, with riots between prisoners in a filled building, even some fights end in death.

One of the worst penalties that the prisoners had to bear was when they were sent to the “hole”, a diminutive cell in which they were put in isolation for several days. One terrible story is that the guards sent the prisoners to the hole and only one returned.

Haunted cells: Many died during their stay in prison. According to people visiting the building, it is haunted and perhaps even one of the most haunted places in the country. // Source: Wikimedia

The prisoners were also covered by water torture, as well as in electric shock, so you can safely say that the holistic and reforming idea of ​​the prison finally died. The prison operated until 1990, harassed by overcrowding and terrifying conditions that demanded the lives of over 200 people, including two guards.

Haunted legends reformers

It is not surprising that the spirits of former prisoners and employees still remain. Pararanormal enthusiasts often report meetings with ghostly apparitions, sudden frosty spots and infinite whispers reflecting through the ruined corridors. The smell of something burning is something that people blame the ghosts of those who, after a fire, were moved from the prison with Ohio. Or maybe he comes from the spirit of James Lockhart, who killed himself, setting fire, and other prisoners could only watch how he slowly burned to death.

Here are some, but far from all ghosts that said that he is haunting Ohio's state reformers:

Ghosts in the basement

It is said that one of the ghosts is a 14 -year -old boy who died there when the place was for minors. It is said that he persecutes the basement and it is said that his shadow moves along the walls. Although it is said that his spirit is well documented, his life is not, and who is uncertain. Legend claims to be murdered by beaten to death.

Another spirit in the basement is a being much darker than the spirit of a youthful boy. In chat in the shade it is also said that the boy's murderer continues.

The hole and ghosts are still there

Another hotspot for ghosts in prison are anxiety cells, a hole in which prisoners could not go out for 72 hours, sometimes longer. About 20 cells did not have natural lithe, and the place used to bring prisoners.

How many were sent there? Some say over 100, and most never left it, maybe even after death?

Lonely closure: It is said that living on bread and water, that prisoners sent to the hole went crazy. Some also say that those who died there still persecute diminutive cells. // Source: Wikimedia

A terrible story that would make someone's blood frosty, but there are also those who claim that the frosty feeling you get also results from the fact that ghosts persecute this place. People say they feel nauseous, as well as something breathing on the neck during a visit to the torture chamber.

Chair room and challenge

There are many rooms that look strange with a shocking story. The chair room is a room without windows and only a single chair directed to the door, as if someone is watching you. What was the room for? Nobody really knows. Who is sitting there?

Some say it is a murky being a haunting room. They have something that they do on trips when visitors can enter the room when it's murky and sit in a chair. It is said that the voices whisper on the black pitch, and even the chair vibrates by force. Some guests say that after provoking them they left the room with the body covered with scratches.

Haunted cell blocks in Ohio State Reformers

There are too many ghosts to mention the cellular blocks of the prison. It is said that especially the Eastern cell block built in 1910 is haunted because of many suicides that took place there. At most, there were over 1,200 prisoners.

On the 3rd floor of the administrative wings they are also known for passing the sound of traces and strange shadows.

One particularly chilling chilling accounts of the legend tells about the phantom guard who is still patrolling the corridors, causing visitors to their spectral night. It is said that the guard, Frank Hanger, also known as Mr. Salt, was a guard who was killed when he worked in isolation in 1932. He was beaten by prisoners with an iron bar from three feet when they tried to escape. Can he still watch prisoners?

Spirit Helen Glattke

It is not only prisoners and guards who persecute the previous prison if we are to believe in stories. One day in 1950, the wife of the curator Helen Glattke was in her bedroom on Sunday morning. The guard, a superintendent, as well as their families lived in the eastern administrative wing. She married Arthur Glattke, who worked as an assistant to the superintendent in 1935–1959.

She reached for a box in the wardrobe, where without her knowledge, her husband's revolver. He fell and wrote back, shooting at her in the lungs. Many days before the death of the hospital, but according to some it is still here. People do not really inform about her seeing her, but they claim that they smell with rose water and its white rain shampoo.

A haunted prison for people looking for a thrill

Today, Ohio State Reformers for 100 Road springs is a popular place for people willing to experience their haunted first -hand history. In later years, the prison began to bend into the haunted rumors and turned them into a spectacle as a so -called Bloody Haunted House Attraction. There are also tours with a guide, and paranormal investigations give visitors a chance to enter the shadows of this nippy place where the echoes of the past still resound in the present.


Haunted Places Series: Ohio State Reformers BLO inspector

Haunted America: Ohio State Reformers

Historic Ohio State Reformers – Destination Mansfield

The Ghosts of Ohio – Lore & Legends in Ohio – Ohio State Reformators

Read more first -hand reports with paranormal events from visitors: Mansfield Ghosts reformers A collection of history Articles

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  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”