
7 October 2024 J.W.H

meHave you ever wondered how things got this way they did? Why do some places give us this eerie feeling when we walk through them? Why do we meet people who make us feel uncomfortable, even if they do nothing. Have you ever collected money on the street or on a side walk? Lucky you, huh! But have you ever wondered who it belonged to and why it was lying there in the first place? History has never been my passion, for me everything and everything bad from the past should be left there and forgotten over time. But what if you had a thing or object that connected you to an event that happened in the past? Would you let it go or would you be grateful you had it.

This story happened at my grandmother's house, where I was spending my holidays. I love spending time there because there are many things a person can do both at home and outside. It has a vast swimming pool, a vast flat screen TV, a tennis court and a basketball court, and all the amenities you could think of that would or should have in a contemporary home. That's why the 1980s-looking cabinet she had in her living room seemed a little out of place. So I asked my grandmother where she bought the cabinet and if it was recent. She joked about it and told me, “It's from the 80s, honey, I doubt it's anything new.” With a smile on her face, she told me that two weeks ago she was walking past an vintage shop when a cabinet caught her eye. She thought it was pretty, so she bought it.

I had a great time and everything was great. I had 2 weeks of vacation and I was only on the third day. Everything was fine except for the raucous bangs that kept me awake at night. I didn't pay much attention to it, though, because when I asked what it was, it turned out that some men were working on some renovation work in the house next door. They had a tight schedule, so some men even worked at night. And even though the sound seemed different, I just took their word for it. I didn't want to waste time thinking there were ghosts in the house.

One evening, while watching a late-night movie, I heard the raucous rumbling sound again. This time it seemed like they were entering the house. I was afraid it might be someone trying to break in, so I followed the sound to look around. The sound seemed to come from the living room. The strange thing was that as I got closer to the source of the sound, I heard screeching and scratching sounds after the impacts. What I saw next was the most terrible thing I had ever seen. No amount of scary movies or Hollywood effects could have prepared me for what I saw that night. It was an aged lady covered in blood. I thought the raucous noises were footsteps, but it turned out to be her hands hitting the floor. The scratching sounds came from her long nails as she scratched around the room. She was crippled and couldn't walk, and some of her bones seemed to be out of place as some parts of her body were deformed. She was screaming for facilitate, she had no eyes, only an eerie blue lithe that seemed to come from the back of her head and illuminated her eye sockets.

I ran to the maids' room because it was closer than my grandmother's room. I woke everyone up and told them what I saw. When we returned, the floor was spotlessly pristine and there was nothing there. The next day I convinced my grandmother to give the aged cabinet to the store. After returning the cabinet, my grandmother asked who its previous owner was. It turned out that the owner of the cabinet was an elderly woman. One day she just disappeared. Some say she returned to the United States without anyone's knowledge, some say she was brutally murdered, others say she was beaten to death and hidden somewhere. “But no one really knows what happened to her,” “No evidence or body was found.” said the salesman. Neither my grandmother nor I said a word. We were lost for words and didn't know what to do. We just left the locker there and went home.

The strange thing about the aged lady's story was that no one even bothered to investigate her case to find out the truth. Her family was just trying to make some money off her stuff, that's all. But the strangest thing about all this is that people who hear this story sometimes claim that from time to time they see an aged woman asking for facilitate, screaming, huddled in her own lockers… SHOCK!

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”