5 fisherman stories that may keep you off the lake this summer

5 fisherman stories that may keep you off the lake this summer
15 March 2024 J.W.H

Another hot and sizzling summer has arrived. It's time to plan the right family getaway, stay at home or simply take your loved ones or friends on a well-deserved and leisurely fishing trip. Or not?

The next accounts happened while fishing – the stories are told by real anglers who never forgot those events and never returned to those fishing spots.


My cousin and I were fishing late at night. We decided to go around 9pm because that's the perfect time for us to have a snack.

We got there and there was nothing there except the 2 of us, the lake, and the traditional chirping or other random animal sounds we were used to. About half-hour into our quiet night of fishing, suddenly all the things went quiet – in case you've ever been to “our place,” you already know that just doesn't occur.

We didn't say anything and continued our night, but suddenly there was a loud scream behind us. I turned to take a look at my cousin – at this point his face was pale and at the identical time we asked loudly, “Did you hear that?” “Yes. What was that?” – I don't know, I've never heard that before.

Even though we each tried to disregard it, we remained vigilant, but then it passed and we forgot concerning the incident after about an hour. We didn't catch much, so we decided to pack up and spend the night.

As we walked back to the truck, we heard the rustle of leaves behind us. We turned around (pondering it was an animal) but there was nothing there. We drove on and just as we were about to leap into our truck, a girl appeared right in front of us (a number of feet away). She looked dirty and a bit beat up, and there have been blood stains on what gave the impression to be her nightgown.

We shouted, “Is all the things okay? You need assistance?”

She's still staring at us. Then the terrifying scream we heard earlier came out of her mouth.

My cousin and I were terrified, got in the car and drove away, and haven't gone back to “our place” since. We never told anyone what happened, but I still hear that scream from time to time. –Eddie G


Me and two of my war buddies go there twice a year for a weekend fishing trip. We catch up on life, rent a cottage, as usual. But this year, one of my friends happened to be sick, so when I told my other friend, he told me that his cousin was in town and that he could fill in for him. So we went to our place.

It was late afternoon when we got there, but we had enough time to set up our gear and head out into the middle of nowhere. Among the things we take with us is a weather/emergency radio in case of an emergency. We tune to any FM frequency and rest until we catch something.

Between our conversation and learning more about my friend's cousin, the radio started making a crackling sound (which it had never done before). The radio then mysteriously switched from FM to AM, which I found strange because it has a little button on the side that you press to change it.

We ended it there, but my friend's cousin looked distracted; he looked at the lake and smiled, and there was also a hint of fear in his eyes.

When we arrived at the cottage, we headed towards the kitchen because we heard a loud noise. All the dishes were thrown on the floor and my radio was still making the same strange sound. My friend's cousin comes up to me and says:

“Don't worry, it's the ghost of a man who lives here. He just doesn't like you coming here.

I looked at him in surprise, and my friend later explained to me that he was a medium, I was not very religious, but now everything had changed. –Joe V


In colonial times, there were people called “destroyers”. They stood on beaches with lanterns and tricked ships into running aground, then plundered the ship and killed anyone who survived on the beach. They then dragged their bodies back into the water to make it look like a normal shipwreck.

Well, one night in East Beach, Rhode Island, I was fishing with my father and when we got to the beach, we saw strange prints in the sand. After about half an hour of casting, we got back to the truck and when we got to the parking lot, our German Shepherd started acting really weird.

We were loading the truck with our equipment when we saw light coming from the dunes. When we looked closely, we noticed that it was an old lantern from the 17th or 18th century. Then we saw two more lights and four people came out in colonial clothes. At this point we just threw everything into the truck, grabbed our now growling dog and drove out of there.

As we drove away, our lights went straight over the people and we saw that they were wearing worn-out colonial-style clothes. This really scared us. – Jason Crust

German soldier

The only time I've ever experienced ghosting while fishing was when I was fishing on a lake in France. I was there for a few days and had a really nice and peaceful time. Nearby there was an old castle riddled with bullets from World War II.

Anyway, this lake is located on a French army training ground, so it was quite isolated. In the late afternoons I had the impression that I was being watched from the forest at the other end of the lake. Every day at the same time the feeling would come back, usually around dusk, and from different places, as if whatever it was, it was getting closer.

I remember waking up on the last night of my trip. It was very foggy outside the tent and I could barely see the dim glow of my beacons. I decided to make a brew and when I lit the lighter, sparks outlined the face of a German soldier wearing a helmet peering into my bivouac from the darkness outside.

The next morning I packed up and went home, but not before talking to the old French warden of the estate, who told me that there had been some fierce fighting in the castle when the Americans had liberated that area of ​​France. The Germans escaped into the forest, where they were ambushed by a reserve patrol. They were all killed and buried around the lake. I don't think I'll fish there again. – MS


The other night my buddy and I were fishing out of a certain fort in Jamestown, RI, soaking bait. At one point my buddy decided to walk to the boat dock about 50 meters away. He said that throughout the walk he felt that someone was standing behind him and heard footsteps.

He thought I was coming with him, but when he turned around, he was alone. He said it scared him terribly and he never went back to that place with me. Now think about next summer. I decided to fish in this place alone. I completely forgot about my friend's experience. I got to the dock, unloaded everything and started soaking some bait. It was a clear, moonless night, with no wind or breeze.

He said it scared him terribly and he never went back to that place with me. Now think about next summer. I decided to fish in this place alone. I completely forgot about my friend's experience. I got to the dock, unloaded everything and started soaking some bait. It was a clear, moonless night, with no wind or breeze.

After about half an hour of watching my rod, I started to smell perfume around me. I thought it was quite strange because I was there alone. The smell was getting stronger so I walked about 10 feet to the right and the smell disappeared.

I returned to my previous spot and the scent of perfume was still there, stronger than ever. It was so strong that my nose started to burn. At this point I asked, “Where the hell is that this smell coming from?” Shortly after that I said the smell was gone. That's when I packed up and left. I never went back to that place.

At this point I asked, “Where the hell is that this smell coming from?” Not long after I said this, the smell disappeared. That's once I packed up and left. I never went back to that place. – Harold Terrence

Image Source: Pixabay.com

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”