After the horrific death of her daughter in the House of Mirrors in the Spanish city of Cadiz, she is said to haunt the mirrors, still after unmasking the murderer.
This mysterious and eerie place has been the subject of many ghost stories and legends for decades. Locals believe that the ghosts of the former owners still live in the walls of this abandoned house, and anyone who dares to enter will be cursed forever. But what is the truth about the haunted house of mirrors? Is it just a myth or a haunting in real life?
The legend of “La Casa de los Espejos” or the “House of Mirrors”
Among the many legends surrounding Cadiz, one particular story stands out – the legend of “La Casa de los Espejos”, or the “House of Mirrors”, located in the venerable town of Cadiz, right in front of the Marques de Comilla monument. According to locals, the haunted house of mirrors was once the residence of a high-ranking naval admiral who lived there with his wife and beloved daughter.
The alleged haunted house is a three-story house with huge windows located in the heart of the Alameda Apodaca neighborhood. This part of the city is eminent for its impressive houses from the 15th and 17th centuries. Today they have been turned into luxury apartments with a gloomy legend hanging over them.
The admiral's family who lived there
The admiral, known for his courage and success at sea, often made long voyages to distant lands. Each time he returned, he brought his daughter a up-to-date mirror as a gift, because she was fascinated by them. Her daughter's room was soon decorated with mirrors of all shapes and sizes, which she hung throughout the house. Her daughter's collection grew every year, and mirrors became an integral part of her everyday life. Soon the entire house was filled with various mirrors in all shapes and sizes.
Her mother, however, hated them, and she became increasingly jealous of her daughter and the affection her husband showed her. Over the years, the daughter became a great beauty that her father loved to show off, and her mother felt venerable and rejected because he only showed her affection. She began to fear that her husband loved her more than her, and his dislike for his daughter grew.
A jealous mother and her satanic plan
In her mother's eyes, her daughter stood between her and the admiral. They started arguing more and more and their relationship was beyond saving. She made a terrible plan to get rid of her daughter so that she could have her husband for herself again.
While the admiral was at sea, the mother poisoned her daughter. During dinner, she gave her daughter a portion of poisonous fish and they both went to sleep. That night, the daughter became seriously ill, and as the poison consumed her, she fell alone on the floor and died from the poison.
Little did she know that her actions would have tragic consequences. After her premature death, her daughter became a restless spirit, forever trapped in the mirrors of the house.
The daughter haunting mirrors
Upon his return, the admiral brought more mirrors to give to his daughter. His wife told him that his daughter had died of illness, and he did not suspect it at all. I was devastated by the news of my daughter's tragic death.
One day he heard his daughter's voice and woke up. As he passed one of the mirrors on the walls, he froze. He saw his daughter and she showed him in the mirror exactly what had happened.
He went to his wife and demanded the truth from her, still with a glimmer of hope that she hadn't done it. But his worst nightmare was confirmed when she confessed everything. Overcome with grief and a desire for justice, he turned to his mother and the authorities, who managed to discover the truth about his daughter's murder. The mother was found guilty and sentenced for her heinous crime and had to spend the rest of her days rotting in prison. But the haunting of the house of mirrors is not over yet.
The Admiral could not stay in the house where everything fell apart, he left the place and was never seen in Cadiz again.
Visitation in the House of Mirrors
The house was abandoned and visitors had seen ghosts and heard strange things. Inside, a girl could be seen still haunting the mirrors.
Before the house was recently renovated, it had been empty for a long time and people interested in the supernatural came looking for it. They claimed to have heard the wails of a girl mourning her faith and strange shadows hiding behind the curtains.
Because the admiral's daughter could not find peace in the afterlife, the house of mirrors became a warm spot for paranormal activity. Visitors to the house have reported seeing apparitions, hearing strange whispers, and experiencing an overwhelming sense of anxiety. Those who dared to enter caught glimpses of their daughter's ghostly form, forever trapped in the mirrors she once treasured.
https://www.lavozdigital.es/provincia/misterios-cadiz-conoce-historia-interior-casa-espejos-20230512112300-ntv.html?ref=ht tps%3A%2F%2Fwww.lavozdigital.es%2Fprovincia%2Fmisterios-cadiz-conoce-historia-interior-casa-espejos-20230512112300-ntv.html
The legend of the “House of Mirrors” – LA ROOFTOP OF CÁDIZ
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