New research suggests that although foreign life can exist in our universe, the conditions here may not be the most optimal for its development.
In 1962, the American astronomer Frank Drake introduced Drake's equation, a formula designed to estimate the number of detectable extraterrestrial civilizations into a milk road. How Popular mechanics He explains that the equation takes into account such factors as:
– average speed of creating stars in the galaxy;
– percentage of stars with planetary systems;
– The number of planets for a star capable of supporting life.
In addition, the equation also takes into account the likelihood that clever life appearing and developing communication technologies.
In fresh testScientists from Switzerland and Great Britain studied a specific aspect of the equation – like the basic force known as Dark Energy influences the creation of stars and the rear's probability of clever life.
The team examined how different obscure energy densities affect the total number of stars in space.
Their model applies not only to our universe, but also considers the hypothetical universe of different levels of obscure energy. Simply put, research assesses the likelihood of clever life in many versions.
The role of anthropic thinking
To frame their study, scientists turned to anthrops – the idea that certain properties of the universe can be deduced from the fact that we exist.
Although a lot about space remains unknown, one fact is clear: life exists in at least one miniature corner. This, as scientists say, is a valuable starting point for understanding the wider features of the universe.
Anthropic reasoning was previously used to explain the presence of obscure energy. At the end of the eighties, the physicist Steven Weinberg, awarded by the Nobel Prize award, suggested that the observed density of obscure energy could be proof of clever life.
Dark Energy is a mysterious force that believed, drives the accelerating expansion of the universe. Although this is not clearly included in Drake's equation, it plays a key role in creating stars – a key life factor.
Just like life on earth depends on the sun, the stars are necessary to the appearance of clever beings elsewhere. Analyzing how different amounts of obscure energy affect the star, scientists hope to understand the potential of life in other universes.
Dr. Daniele Sorini, a researcher in cosmology and astrophysics at the Durham University and the main author of the study, explains:
“Because the stars are a condition for the emergence of life we know, we ask if intelligent life would be easier to revive in our universe, or in the hypothetical universe with a different content of dark energy.”
The research team modeled the efficiency of creating stars in various densities of obscure energy. They discovered that the largest number of stars is created in the universe, in which obscure energy is about one tenth of what we are observing. This suggests that the universe with slightly less obscure energy than ours would be more favorable for the appearance of clever life.
In this optimal scenario, 27% of ordinary matter would turn into stars, compared to only 23% in our universe. This means that our universe is close to perfect conditions – but not entirely perfect.
What if our universe was different?
Then the scientists expanded their study to consider multi -rs, in which each universe has a different obscure energy density. Surprisingly, they stated that 99.5% of these hypothetical universes have a higher obscure energy density than ours.
Although this may seem contrary to intuition, discoveries suggest an vital pattern: individually universes with higher obscure energy contain less clever observers.
However, because there are so many such universes, the total number of clever observers in many versions remains significant.
Scientists emphasize that their work is not intended to prove the existence of multiple or detecting extraterrestrial life. Instead, their discoveries are a fresh look at the influence of obscure energy affecting the creation of stars – an vital factor in the appearance of intelligence.
When examining the relationship between space forces and the potential of life, scientists take another step towards answering one of the greatest questions of humanity: Are we alone in the universe?
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