The Scary Tale of a Haunted Beach Hotel in Goa and Its Russian Ghost

The Scary Tale of a Haunted Beach Hotel in Goa and Its Russian Ghost
4 August 2024 J.W.H

An abandoned ghost hotel is haunted by ghosts on the beaches of Goa, India. The unfinished Sina Hotel is said to be haunted by the spirit of its Russian owner after he was murdered and left unfinished.

In the lively and bright state of Goa, a land known for its pristine beaches and lively culture, stands a haunting testament to unfulfilled dreams and ghosts: the Ghost Hotel. Originally christened the Sina Hotel, this abandoned convoluted, built by the Russians in Agonda, famed for its beaches, has become one of the most infamous haunted places in Goa, attracting thrill-seekers and paranormal enthusiasts alike.

The Ghost Hotel’s sinister reputation stems from a obscure and tragic history. The construction of the Sina Hotel, which was supposed to be a five-star luxury retreat, was abruptly halted due to sedate legal complications in the early 1990s. According to some sources, it has remained abandoned since 1998.

Due to the rumors and legends that began to grow around the hotel like trees surrounding it, hiding it from the world, Hotel Sina was mainly known by names such as Hotel Duchów or Hotel Devil.

Murder of the owner

Adding to the mystique of haunted rumors, it is widely believed that the original owners of the property met a violent end. And one of the reasons the hotel project was abandoned was because one of the owners was murdered.

But who are the owners, about whom information is very hard to find. There is no clear evidence that the murder ever took place. And what about the name Sina Hotel? Does it have something to do with a petite village in Russia? Or, more likely, with the Italian Sina Hotel, a chain of luxury hotels around the world?

Since then, the place has been haunted by stories of ghosts and unexplained phenomena. Locals believe it may be the spirit of the supposedly murdered owner who still lingers on the premises.

Haunted Jungle Hotel

Visitors to the Ghost Hotel at the end of the jungle beach often report disturbing experiences. The most common specter seen is that of the hotel’s former owner. Descriptions of his ghostly presence vary, but many claim to have seen a figure wandering the abandoned hallways and grounds. Some report feeling an icy chill or a sense of being watched, while others have heard disembodied whispers echoing through the empty hallways.

Some have seen shadowy figures flit across their vision, while others have heard footsteps following them, only to find no one when they turn around. These chilling experiences have caused many visitors to flee, unable to bear the fear and anxiety that come with working in such a haunted place.

Paranormal seekers' holidays

Despite, or perhaps because of, these disturbing tales, the Ghost Hotel has become a must-see destination for those who seek out the supernatural. The clientele seeking out the hotel is not at all what they originally expected, but the hotel attracts its guests nonetheless.

Paranormal investigators, both amateur and professional, flock to the site, eager to capture evidence of the hotel’s ghostly inhabitants. Equipped with cameras, recording devices, and other ghost-hunting gear, they explore the run-down rooms and hallways, hoping to document the elusive spirits that supposedly dwell there.

There have also been many cases where newcomers and homeless people have sought shelter and made the hotel their home, at least for a while. Most often, someone stays at the hotel and demands money from those who dare to enter.

Haunted Ghost Hotel

The skeletal remains of the hotel loom over the Goan skyline, its incomplete and crumbling architecture adding to the atmosphere of desolation and eerieness. Overgrown vegetation has taken over much of the property, with vines creeping up the once grand structures and wild plants growing through cracks in the concrete. This natural reclamation only adds to the sense of abandonment and unease that permeates the place.

All in all, the Ghost Hotel is a haunting reminder of broken dreams and interrupted lives. Its eerie reputation, fueled by tales of paranormal activity and ghostly apparitions, makes it one of the most intriguing and terrifying attractions in Goa.


Hotel Sina – Wikipedia

Abandoned hotel on Agonda beach, Goa | madnessaroundtheworld

This hotel that was supposed to be stunning near the beach is now a ghost bungalow!

Ghost Hotel Goa | Abandoned 5-star hotel on Agonda beach in Goa

Hotel name Sina:

Sina (Russia) Travel Guide

Sina Hotels

Image Source:

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”