The distant Brazilian city has become zero zero for a lithe UFO weapon

The distant Brazilian city has become zero zero for a lithe UFO weapon
11 March 2025 J.W.H

Events focused primarily in the city of Colares, a city of about 2,000 inhabitants on the island of Colares, located in the Pará region near the Delta of the Amazon River on the north -eastern coast of Brazil. However, the same phenomenon was observed throughout the region. Starting from August 1977, strange phenomena began on the island of Colares, which the Brazilians called “Chupa-Chupa”. Unusual radiant objects appeared in several cities in the region. These items often emitted slender rays, seemingly made of lithe, directed to people. The rays affected by rays fainted and woke up with a peculiar form of anemia, reporting …

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  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”