Almost everyone has a scary story to inform. For truck drivers, lots of these stories come from time spent on the road. From haunted truck stops to terrifying highways, there are many places that could make even probably the most experienced truck driver nervous.
The story you’ll read below was told on Reddit: a weightlifter who was seriously eager about leaving his job after this experience.
“I have no idea where exactly to start this story, but I have to tell someone. It happened 5 days ago, last Friday. I didn't tell anyone. Not my girlfriend, family, friends, co-workers, boss, anyone.
“That's why I haul feed for farmers in central Illinois. I've been doing this job for about 3 months and haven't had any problems until Friday. I like to start my day early, so I usually wake up around 11:30 p.m., get in the truck, and head out for my first load at 3:00 am. I usually unload the first load around 5:30-6 a.m. and it's still dark outside right now due to winter.
“I'll be honest, I'm not usually one to panic easily, but some isolated farms scare me a little, so I usually just do what I have to do, get out of the truck as fast as I can and spend the time waiting for the unloading to finish, sitting in the truck.
“Some farms are OK, not too far from main roads and/or quite well lit, but there are a few farms that are in quite heavily wooded areas, one of which only has two crap lights that don't help much, and currently one of them the lights don't work and need repairs. These pig farms are not always the best kept, if you want to call it that, there will be piles of pig carcasses in the garbage bins, lying in plain sight.
“Anyway, I recognized the farm I was going to as soon as I saw the delivery ticket and I knew I would be on the dark side of the farm, so I was looking forward to it, but I just went through my usual routine, got charged and plugged my phone into the headset and I started listening to YouTube while driving.
“As I started to get closer to the farm, I did what I always do, I take off my headset, hang it up and start double-checking my documents as I slowly wind my way up the rocky road towards the dirt road which I will take in the direction that will take me to the farm. I usually shift it down to 6th gear and let it go slowly as the road is usually pretty shitty.
“Anyway, I look down the road and back at the delivery ticket when I notice a terrible smell. Now farms tend to smell pretty bad, so I didn't think much of it at the time, but I definitely remember this smell being different.
“It didn't smell like animal droppings, it smelled more like rot. Now, when I look back, I remember feeling something even as unpleasant as when my family came back from vacation and our freezer stopped working, and as soon as my mother opened it, the house was filled with a terrible unpleasant smell. It wasn't the same scent, but it's the closest comparison I can make.
“Every morning I open the window because it's hot in the truck, it's quite stuffy, so when this bad smell fills the cabin, I put down the papers and start rolling down the driver's side window, and as I do so, I notice a person, a woman, standing about fifty feet in front of me , not on the road, just to the left, standing in a field.
“Now she has taken me completely by surprise, so I panic, my heart starts beating faster, I hit the brakes and turn off the truck because I didn't press the clutch. I start laughing a little at myself for panicking so much and start rolling down the window to ask if the woman is okay and if she needs anything. When I do this, she just stands there, almost like she's confused.
“Now that I'm focusing on her, I'm starting to notice some very disturbing things about this woman. First of all, she is completely naked on an evening in the middle of winter. At night, the temperature drops below zero, so walking this way can result in hypothermia, frostbite, and maybe even death. The second thing I notice is that he has what looks like blood on him, but it's most noticeable on his arms up to his elbows, as well as on his mouth and neck.
“At this point I start to get scared again and reach for the key with my left hand to start the truck. Then I shout out the window, “Are you okay?” Or something like that, and she responds by getting on all fours in this weird head-up position and running maybe ten or fifteen feet towards me like that.
“I start the truck, put it in gear and start slowly moving towards it because that's the only way I can escape, because when I do, my window is still wide open and I hear something like noises, it wasn't talking, it wasn't sounding like words, it was just screaming and grunting.
“I start shifting as fast as I can and after about 5 seconds I put it in sixth gear and she got there but not there and then she stops and doesn't cross the ditch and I continue to put it in gear and get away as fast as I can and my heart is still beating. When I leave, I can't see her anymore when the lights in my truck turn off because everywhere is dark, I'm in the middle of the country and there are no lights.
“Part of me is trying to rationalize what just happened and I think maybe she was a victim of something and that I should go back, but she was acting completely mad and I kept telling myself I wasn't going back right away.
“So at this point I was very close to the farm, so close that I passed the driveway, running away from this woman. So I follow the road and turn back onto the highway and basically do really long laps around the farm I'm supposed to deliver to for about 45 minutes until it's light outside and I can see clearly.
“I then head to the farm, this time looking around for the woman and any signs of her presence, but I see nothing. I stopped where the interaction occurred and walked over to where she was, but there was no sign that anyone or anything was there.
“The first thing I noticed was that there was no more smell. Looking around, I expected to at least see some blood, but no. I then go back to the truck and notice that I left tracks the entire time I was walking through the field. I turn around and check the ground again, but there's nothing, no tracks or anything.
“Now I'm a bigger guy, but not huge, 5'10 and 230 pounds, so maybe she was much lighter and that explains the missing prints, but she didn't look that slim to me, I think she should have left marks. Anyway, I look around everywhere I saw her move and she disappeared without a trace. I go to the farm and deliver the feed without any problems, go on with my normal day and return home.
“I don't know what I should have done. I don't know what I saw. Part of me thinks I left a victim when I could have helped, part of me wonders if it was some kind of hallucination or something, but I'm young, 24, I have no health problems, I don't drink, smoke or take drugs of any kind, pills , medications or anything that could cause this.
“The only thing I have is frequent sleep paralysis, but that's it. I had absolutely no sleep. I don't know what I saw or what it was, but after that I suddenly quit my job and now I'm looking for something else. The only thing I can say for sure is that I never want to stay overnight again.”
Image Source: Pixabay.com