In Madrid in the 1990s, there was an senior archaic shop that was a place of strange things. The owner thought his shop was Baúl del Monje was haunted by a possible poltergeist, and the investigation into the matter attracted much public attention.
El Baúl del Monje was an archaic store in Madrid, Spain, known for being the site of alleged high-intensity paranormal phenomena in the 1990s. The name of the archaic shop means monk's truck, and these phenomena were investigated by the Hepta group, which investigated many well-known haunted places in Spain.
Is it really possible that the senior store was haunted by a poltergeist?
Poltergeists have been a topic of interest for centuries. These entities are known to cause physical disturbances such as unexplainable sounds, the movement of inanimate objects, and even the materialization of objects. The term poltergeist comes from the German words “poltern” meaning noise and “geist” meaning ghost. These objects are often associated with haunted places, and one of such places is Madrid's Baúl del Monje.
The haunting begins in a store
The phenomena recorded before the arrival of the Hepta research group were described as aggressive, intense and very repeated by both the store staff and its customers.
The building where the events took place was located at number 10, Marqués de Monasterio Street, in the central neighborhood of Justicia, near Paseo de Recoletos, and work began in March 1998.
Witnesses reported seeing objects moving on their own, hearing unexplained noises and feeling uneasy in the store. Some even claimed to have seen phenomena and materializations of objects. These events occurred daily and were of great intensity, causing anxiety among both customers and employees.
Shop owner Noel told the radio station: 'One of the things that happens most often is that things fall without anyone touching them. Sometimes you see figures, other times they are sounds, real ones, and then nothing justifies them.
Paranormal investigation
The owner, Noel, called someone who could assist him with strange things happening in his store. After the Hepta group arrived in February 1999, they began a tiny series of studies that yielded the same results.
Even paranormal investigators were shocked when they too experienced strange and unexplainable things:
The lamps started moving on their own. For example, the crystal decorations hanging on them appeared in other rooms. They jumped in front of your eyes or broke down directly. The taps opened on their own, sometimes it seemed as if a dish had fallen on the floor, and other times there was a smell of rot that turned into an amazing smell of roses. He emerged from the rooms and impregnated some of the furniture. One of the closets smelled of burnt hair.
They also smelled a rotten smell, which turned into an intense aroma of roses coming from the ground. The taps in the building opened on their own and the candles lit. It almost always happened at the same time, close to closing time.
According to the Hepta Group's explanations, these phenomena were of a poltergeist nature and were caused unknowingly by the injured person and Noel's owner himself. The owner had problems with such events in other places where he ran a business.
Disturbing events in Baúl del Monje
The Hepta Group investigation revealed some disturbing findings. According to parapsychological researchers, the cause of everything could have been some dramatic events that took place many years ago in the same place.
A lawyer died of smoke inhalation after a gas leak from a furnace. In some versions, he fell asleep with a cigarette in bed. This could have been the cause of poltergeist activity. However, there is no concrete evidence to support this theory.
Some said it must have been one of the senior items in the store, which must surely have been cursed.
Despite ongoing investigations, the mystery of the senior archaic shop remains unsolved. It was explained to the HEpta group that this phenomenon was unknowingly caused by the injured person and the store owner, Noel.
These phenomena began to appear less and less frequently until they disappeared completely. Noel was under the impression that the alleged poltergeist had left the premises as soon as he felt it was having a negative impact on its sales.
The phenomena were so intense that they left a lasting impression on those who witnessed them. Today, the site is a private residence and there have been no reports of any unusual occurrences since then.
Haunted Shop ending
The events that took place in Baúl del Monje remain a disturbing mystery. The poltergeist activity that took place within its walls was extremely intense and left a lasting impression on those who witnessed it. The Hepta Group's research has provided some insight into the nature of the phenomena, but the cause remains unknown.
Attempted poltergeist hauntings have been documented throughout history, and Baúl del Monje is just one such place. The unexplained events that took place within its walls remind us of the mysteries surrounding our world. While we may never know the true cause of the phenomena that occurred at Baúl del Monje, it is a testament to the power of the unknown and the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding.
Monk's Chest – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paranormal phenomena in “The Monk's Trunk”
The case of the poltergeist of the antiquities dealer “Baúl del Monje”. Thinker. Retrieved July 12, 2023
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