The ghost town of Cahawba is a remnant of antebellum life in the South that died with the Civil War. It is said that ghosts still live in the former state capital. In the city of Cahawba, the rest of the world was abandoned.
Along the confluence of the Cahaba and Alabama Rivers lies Cahawba, the first capital of the state of Alabama and one of the most haunted places, if legends are to be believed. Founded in 1819 near Selma, Cahawba flourished for years as a growing riverfront town before the war. Today it is a ghost town in the so-called Old Cahawba Archaeological Park.
The town of Cahawba is on many lists of the most haunted places and also provides haunted ghost tours of the place. But what are the haunting legends from the ghost town, which is considered one of the most haunted places in the country?
History of the town of Cahawba
Let's first look at the history of the city and its inhabitants. The town of Cahawba, or Cahaba as it is sometimes spelled, was a fertile prairie of statuesque grass before the 1830s. Then, as mentioned, it was the first lasting capital of Alabama from 1820 to 1825, and the seat of the Dallas Country until 1866.
This took place in the prosperous pre-war years, based on cotton money earned on the backs of slaves. Even though it was prosperous, it still had a reputation as not being the best place to live due to its location. They said the floods were bad and happened too often. The air itself was thought to be evil, as the miasma in the air was believed to cause diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, and cholera. In fact, diseases were spread by mosquitoes.
By the time the Civil War broke out, the city had a population of approximately 2,000, of which approximately 64 percent of the population were black slaves. The Civil War changed everything, however, and during the war, over 3,000 Union soldiers were held in a prison known as Castle Morgan.
Its prosperity was short-lived, however, as the Civil War and subsequent floods led to the abandonment of Cahawba towns as they lost the businesses and jobs associated with being the county seat. Some claim that the flood story was exaggerated and even false, claiming that 1925 was a drought year in the media due to competition for the capital.
Selma's newspapers were calledMecca of the Radical Republican Party,' after the white residents left and more black communities began to grow in the city. Although it became a popular destination for freed slaves after the war, they left too quickly for a better place during Reconstruction.
Today, the town of Cahawba is a ghost town, and its empty buildings, slave burial sites and eerie cemeteries provide a chilling backdrop for tales of the supernatural.
The legend of the ghost of Pegues
Of the many haunted stories about the town of Cahawba, the most renowned is that of a bright floating ball known as “Pegues' Ghost.” Shortly after Colonel C. C. Pegues, who was in command of the Fifth Alabama Rifles. He was killed at the Battle of Seven Pines in Virginia on July 15, 1862. Witnesses report seeing a mysterious, glowing airy appear in the garden maze of his former home and favorite magnolia trees.
When the news of his death reached the village, the slave boy rang the bell and left the house with a funeral notice and black flags called “weeping” on his shoulders, which is no longer customary.
One evening in 1862, a newborn couple was walking near the cedar maze. Then they saw a white ball flying past them. When they tried to touch it, the ghostly orb disappeared into the green, although it reappeared. Due to its time, the strange ball was named after the colonel.
The maze is gone, and so is the house that once stood on the lot between Pine and Chestnut streets. The unexplained phenomenon of a Will'O'the'Wisp-like airy captivated locals and visitors alike, with many searching for the ghostly airy that continues to manifest itself to this day.
Haunted Cemeteries
But the “Spirit of Pegues” isn't the only source of incredible activity in the town of Cahawba. Cahawba Cemeteries are another haunt for spirit encounters, especially the one known as the New Cemetery.
Those who venture into these sacred grounds after dim often report hearing eerie whispers, ghostly footsteps, and shadowy figures. Many believe that the souls of the city's former inhabitants remain attached to this place, unable to find peace.
This is especially true of slave burial sites, where many reports of haunted areas come from. It was established in 1819 and many graves are unmarked and without tombstones. It is said that the last burial took place in 1957.
Abandoned streets and buildings have given rise to numerous reports of ghosts and unexplained sounds. Visitors often report feeling a chilling presence as they walk through the ruins of the once grand state residence and the numerous homes that have long since been abandoned. The city's slave burial ground is particularly renowned for paranormal phenomena, where the tormented spirits of those who suffered in life are said to wander.
The Thirteen Ghosts of Alabama and Jeffrey: A Commemorative Edition by Kathryn Tucker Windham, Margaret Gillis Figh: https://books.google.no/books?id=OR7zAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA44&lpg=PA44&dq=Pegues+Ghost&source=bl&ots=7B5gnWrwGW&sig=ACfU3U0VKh wNeEod4g3KG-mOf4IwzhU3lA&hl=no&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwil8caz0pKHAxUGGxAIHXe0A9gQ6AF6BAgdEAM#v=onepage&q=Pegues%20Ghost&f=false
Cahaba, Alabama – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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