Haunted Face in the Rocks Below Santa Barbara Castle

Haunted Face in the Rocks Below Santa Barbara Castle
1 July 2024 J.W.H

On the white beach of Alicante, on the top of a rocky hill, as it has been for centuries, stands the castle of Santa Barbara. Legends circulate about the princess and her forbidden love, as well as about the ghosts that haunt its antique halls.

Spain is a country opulent in history and culture. Its stunning castles are a testament to its opulent heritage and architectural genius. However, it is not only the beauty of these castles that fascinates people, but also the stories behind them.

Haunted castles in Spain are shrouded in mystery and intrigue, and tales of ghosts, apparitions and unexplained phenomena continue to fascinate visitors. In this blog post, we take you on a journey through some of the most haunted castles in Spain and discover the incredible stories of the spirits that inhabit them.

Postiguet Beach: Today, beachgoers can see a supposedly haunted castle from the sea, as well as a face that, according to legend, is carved in the stone.

This impressive structure, with a opulent history spanning over a thousand years, has stood the test of time, being a mute witness to countless stories of triumph, tragedy and intrigue.

Historical background of Santa Barbara Castle

The Castle of Santa Barbara has a opulent and historic past, dating back to the 9th century when it was built by the Moors. Over the centuries, it has witnessed numerous battles, conquests and changes of ownership. In the 13th century, the castle fell to the Christians during the Reconquista, which meant the end of Moorish rule in the region.

Throughout its history, the castle has served as a strategic stronghold for various rulers, including the Kingdom of Aragon and the Crown of Castile. Its dominant position atop Mount Benacantil offered unparalleled views of the surrounding landscape, making it an ideal defensive fortress.

In the 18th century, the castle underwent significant renovations, transforming it into a military barracks and fortification. The castle's defensive walls were strengthened, and additional structures were added, such as the Governor's House and the Santa Barbara Chapel.

Just a stone’s throw from Santa Barbara Castle is the stunning Postiguet Beach. This picturesque stretch of golden sand is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, offering a peaceful escape from the bustle of the city.

With its crystal clear waters and breathtaking views of the castle perched on top of a hill, Postiguet Beach is the perfect backdrop for relaxation and unwinding. The view of the mountain from the beach resembles a face, which is why it is called the “Face of the Moors” and is an icon of the city of Alicante.

Santa Barbara Castle boasts a unique architectural blend of Moorish, Roman and Gothic influences. Its strategic position on a hilltop provided excellent visibility and defense against would-be invaders. The castle's design takes full advantage of the natural landscape, with its walls seamlessly integrated into the rocky outcrop.

Princess with two admirers

The history of Santa Barbara Castle is shrouded in legend and folklore. One such story revolves around an Arab princess who lived in the castle during the Moorish rule. The princess, pretty and desired by many suitors, found herself torn between two men from rival families. The castle became the scene of fierce rivalry as suitors fought for her favor and the right to win her hand.

Princess Cantara had two men vying for her hand. One was Ali, a basic man who was favored by the princess but really had nothing to offer except his heart. The other was Almanzor, who was a renowned warrior from a wealthy family in Cordoba that she didn't really know.

Cantaras' father, the caliph, did not agree with the princess's choice and would not allow her to marry Ali until he proved his worth.
He decided that he would marry the one who emerged victorious from a daring challenge that would test their courage and loyalty. He sent Almanzor to India on a mission to return with spices and treasures for the kingdom. The caliph ordered Ali to build a ditch that could bring fresh water from the mountains to the city of Alicante. The first to complete the task would be the winner and marry the caliph's daughter.

Almanzor sailed to India to fulfill his mission and was gone for a long time. Ali began digging, but spent his nights with the princess, slowly winning her favor, reciting poems and singing love songs to her. They fell in love and there was only one winner for the princess.

Months passed, and Almanzor returned with his ships laden with spices, gold, ivory, and silk, exactly as he had been ordered. He was the first to complete his mission, and the Caliph recognized him as the victor.

He ordered his daughter to marry Almanzor, but her heart had already been given. Ali did not want to make her choice challenging and decided to jump from the top of the castle. It is said that the face that is observable on the top is the result of the impact of his fall, his turban and everything else. Princess Cantara could not live without her lover and did not marry her suitor. She decided to jump after her lover to join him at the foot of the mountain.

The king repented and his grief for his daughter turned him into a just ruler, never to make the same mistake again. The story of the two lovers spread and to honor their love, they combined their names and named the city after Alcantara. Time passed and soon the name changed to Alicante and is still the name of the city.

Visitors report hearing disembodied voices arguing in the middle of the night, and some claim to see a ghostly figure lurking in the shadows, which they connect to the legend of the two lovers. But these are not the only spirits that supposedly roam the castle’s halls.

More haunted ghost stories

Another ghost story told about this antique castle is about Nicolas Peris, who was the governor of Santa Barbara and protector of the castle when he was alive. In 1256, a great battle was fought over the fortress, and Peris fought for his life to prevent the castle from falling into the hands of Jaime II.

Though he gave it his all, he was soon defeated and killed in battle, legend has it that he fell with the keys to the castle tightly gripped in his hands. The only way they could extract the keys from his icy hands was to cut them off.

It is said that there are nights when the wail of the former governor can still be heard in the corridors, still mourning the loss of the battle and the loss of his beloved castle.

Legends of Santa Barbara Castle

As you walk through the antique halls of Santa Barbara Castle, surrounded by centuries of history and legend, it is impossible not to feel a sense of awe and intrigue. The castle’s spooky secrets are an integral part of its charm, drawing visitors from far and wide who seek insight into the supernatural.

From the Arabian princess and her two suitors to the restless spirits that haunt its halls, Santa Barbara Castle is a place where past and present collide, inviting us to explore the mysteries hidden within its walls and to contemplate the lasting legacy of those who came before us.


Santa Barbara Castle: 1000 years of history – ALICANTE City & Beach

Santa Bárbara Castle: History and Legend of Alicante

Santa Barbara Castle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

10 Haunted Castles in Spain You Must Visit – Tourtravel & More

Image Source: Pixabay.com

  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”