Borim Bridge, where ghostly whispers haunt Goa at night

Borim Bridge, where ghostly whispers haunt Goa at night
7 July 2024 J.W.H

The woman who jumped off the Borim Bridge in Goa is said to haunt the area, where the spirit is said to cling to the nearest human it encounters. But what really happened when the woman decided to jump off the bridge into the Suari River?

Spanning the peaceful waters between Ponda in North Goa and Margao in South Goa and crossing the Zuari River, the Borim Bridge is a testament to both the architectural prowess of the Portuguese and the chilling legends that surround its existence.

The bridge was built during the Portuguese rule, from the 16th century until the end of the war in 1945. Its purpose was to connect remote villages. This historic structure hides a dim past that still echoes in the present.

There was a bridge connecting Panjim with Ponda until thirty years ago. It was damaged by a barge, rendering it useless. During the liberation, a part of the bridge was dynamited, but it was repaired and reopened to the public. Due to weight and width restrictions and damage caused by barges, a novel bridge was built. Only airy vehicles could utilize the momentary bridge until it collapsed after being hit by a barge. After the novel bridge was built in 1986, the aged bridge was neglected until it was completely abandoned in 2005, and since then immense pieces have been falling off.

Borim Bridge: The bridge has not been fully restored for a long time, and although drivers no longer utilize it, it is said to be haunted by ghosts.

A legacy of sacrifice

Built by Portuguese soldiers to fortify their stronghold and keep out Indian troops, the Borima Bridge bears traces of a turbulent past.

Legend has it that during its construction, countless children were sacrificed to placate sinister forces, their innocent souls forever bound to the time-worn stones. These children are also said to haunt the area around the bridge. Locals whisper of restless spirits that roam the bridge, their anguished cries echoing into the night.

The Woman on Borim Bridge

One of the most chilling tales associated with Borim Bridge is that of the Riverwoman, a spectral apparition that supposedly haunts its dim depths. Many claim to have seen her spirit leap from the bridge into the dim waters below, then disappear into the darkness.

Apparently she suddenly appears on the road, runs across the bridge, looks incensed and jumps off the side. There is no sign of any splash or anyone jumping out at all if you go and check. Not even a ripple in the dim waters below.

Those driving around seeing her may suddenly spot her in the backseat as she unexpectedly appears and then disappears into slender air.

The Curse Unleashed

Terrifyingly, those who have come face to face with the ghostly woman have been plagued by disease and misfortune. Such encounters are a terrifying reminder of the sinister forces that lurk beneath the surface of Borim Bridge, waiting to ensnare the unwary in their web of terror.

The most notable story is about a group of friends who were at the bridge in December 2011. They were driving across the bridge at about 2:30 a.m. and were all sleepy when something woke them up.

Three friends saw a woman jump off the bridge, but they found no evidence of this, as there was no splash, no sound, and no body was found. Unfortunately, this was not uncommon, as several hundred people a year took their lives from this bridge at this time.

Although the story played out as expected, they returned home confused by what they had or had not seen.

They drove away but were haunted when a man sitting in the back of their car began shouting at them about the ghost of a woman haunting them and being in the car with them. He said it was the same woman they saw jumping off the bridge.

They asked who she was and where she came from, but he had no answer. They took care of his trembling body, his low temperature, and he fell ill. He was ill for several days, claiming that the woman they saw jumping off the bridge was haunting him, sitting next to him for all eternity.

What happened to this man, however, was not said in the original blog posts. 2014so we can assume he's fine. However, after that story broke, the haunted bridge story really became a part of her story.

The Haunting of Borim Bridge

In the heart of Goa's lush landscape lies a bridge shrouded in mystery and dread – a bridge that bears witness to the tragedies of the past and the restless spirits that lurk in its shadow.

After many tragic deaths from people jumping into the water, they decided to build higher fences to provide stronger protection. Maybe this will work for alleged ghosts too?



Amche Goa – Borim Bridge: Haunted or Myth? Read the Story… | Facebook

Old Borim Bridge Ruins Cleared, To Be Rebuilt For Goa Tourism | Goa News – Times of India

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  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”