Sabatini's Haunted Customs House

Sabatini's Haunted Customs House
19 August 2024 J.W.H

In the Sabatini Customs Office in Madrid, the people who work there believe it is haunted by victims of the Spanish Civil War who died in the basement. Loud noises, banging and strange sounds have filled the guards doing their rounds with fear.

Just around the corner from Madrid's crowded Puerta del Sol square is Alcala Street, where architect Francisco de Sabatini designed a building commissioned by King Carlos III.

The Sabatini Customs House, also known as the Real Casa de la Aduana, is a historic building in Madrid. Built by renowned architect Francisco de Sabatini on the orders of King Charles III, the monumental structure holds great historical significance. Originally a customs house, the building played a key role in the city's trade and commerce in the 18th and 19th centuries. It is currently used by the Ministry of Finance, but its incredible past continues to intrigue visitors and locals alike.

Haunted Basement: Dark Secrets Revealed

One of the most terrifying aspects of the Sabatini Customs House lies beneath its grand facade – its haunted basement. This subterranean level was once home to prison cells and even served as a mass grave for those who lost their lives during the Spanish Civil War. It is said that the residual energy of the traumatic events that took place within these walls lingers, creating an atmosphere of unease and fear.

Visitors and employees have reported experiencing unexplainable phenomena when venturing into the basement. The air becomes weighty and an overwhelming sense of foreboding fills the space. It is not uncommon to hear ghostly whispers or see obscure figures lurking in the shadows. Some have even claimed to feel icy fingers brushing against their skin or the sensation of being watched by hidden eyes. The haunting of the basement is an undeniable testament to the building’s obscure past and the restless spirits that still roam its halls.

Haunting the Guardians: A Terrifying Encounter

The guards responsible for protecting and patrolling the Sabatini Customs have had their share of chilling encounters. Many have reported strange occurrences during their rounds that have shaken them and left them questioning their sanity. One common experience is a noisy banging on doors and windows, seemingly coming from nowhere. As the guards rush to investigate, they are greeted by an ominous silence, as if the source of the noise had vanished into slim air.

These unexplained phenomena often accompany a sudden drop in temperature, sending shivers down the spines of the guards. It is as if some otherworldly presence were passing by, leaving an icy reminder of its presence. On one occasion, a guard even heard a disembodied voice speaking loudly and clearly, asking: “Why are you following me?” The guard turned around but found no one there – no one they were purposely following, and no one evident to the naked eye. Such encounters leave guards disoriented and questioning the nature of reality within these haunted walls.

A Visit from a Medium: Conversations with the Dead

In recent years, the paranormal reputation of the Sabatini Customs House has attracted the attention of a renowned medium. Seeking to delve into the building’s haunted secrets, the medium claimed to have made contact with a spirit who had been murdered in the building in 1847. According to the medium, this tormented soul revealed that he was not alone in the building. Numerous other spirits, victims of violence and tragedy, roamed the basement, trapped between the realms of the living and the dead.

The medium’s encounter shed lithe on the lingering energy and restless spirits that inhabit the Sabatini Customs House. Unable to find peace, the spirits still roam the halls, their presence felt by those with an eye for the supernatural. The medium’s visit added another layer of complexity to the building’s haunted reputation, leaving us with even more questions about the secrets hidden within its walls.

The Mystery of Sabatini's Customs House

Sabatini’s Customs House is a testament to the duality of history – a place that once bustled with trade and commerce now echoes with the whispers of the dead. The haunting stories told by both guards and visitors add an air of mystery and intrigue to this architectural wonder.

Whether you believe in the paranormal or not, the tales of Sabatini's Customs House cannot be easily ignored. Ghostly encounters, terrifying voices, and an eerie atmosphere continue to fascinate those who dare to investigate its haunted past.


Haunted Madrid – CaramelTrail

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  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”