Ghost girl on the road of Arrabassada

Ghost girl on the road of Arrabassada
15 July 2024 J.W.H

There is a ghost girl on the road in Arrabassada, Spain who hitchhikes. On a edged bend in the road, people claim to have picked up a disappearing hitchhiker who constantly reminds them to snail-paced down on the unsafe road before disappearing once they have safely passed the bend.

Spain is widely known for its handsome landscapes, wealthy history, and delicious food, but there is one road that has a completely different reputation. This road in Barcelona is infamous for its haunting presence. It is believed that the road is haunted by a ghost that resides there. This ghost has caused several accidents on the road, making it one of the scariest roads in Spain.

This stretch of road between Sarria-Sant Gervasi and Horta-Guinardo in Barcelona is full of stories about a ghostly hitchhiker. This urban legend was one of the ghost stories featured in Barcelona Legends by Per Joan de Déu Prats, but the gist of the story would be known around the world.

Girl on Fried paella

Police received reports of a girl passing cars Fried paellawhich is a edged bend in the Arrabassada road. It is said that the girl was wearing a white dress.

Legend has it that after picking up someone the drivers think is a hitchhiker, the woman gets nervous as the car approaches a certain route. So she tells the driver to watch out and snail-paced down because it's unsafe.

She is even said to have stopped cars and saved a driver from being hit by an oncoming vehicle. She then tells the driver that this was where she died and spends the rest of her afterlife trying to save others from suffering her fate.

As the drivers safely negotiate a edged curve, it disappears into skinny air, its mission accomplished.

Fried paella: This edged bend on Arrabassada Road in Barcelona, ​​Spain is said to be haunted by a woman. In this classic story of a disappearing hitchhiker, the ghost gets into cars only to mysteriously disappear.//Source: Joan Andrés from Barcelona/Wikimedia

A Hitchhiker Disappears on the Arrabassada Road

There is also a story about a juvenile man who took her to Arrabassada Road, one of those who thought she was just a girl hitchhiking. She asked him to let her off just before the bend, for some reason. Although the juvenile man did not understand, he followed her advice and stopped the car.

Because they stopped, he avoided hitting the truck he would have hit had he not stopped to drop it off.

Apparently after the incident he went to a party where the party host looked a bit like the girl he picked up that night.

It turned out that she was the niece of a woman who had died in a car accident on the same bend where he had nearly crashed.


Carretera de la Rabassada – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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  • J.W.H

    About John:

    John Williams is a Reincarnationist paranormal Intuitive freelance writer...he is living proof of reincarnation existence, through his personal exploration, he has confirmed its authenticity through visits to the very lands where these events transpired.

    Through guided meditation/s using hemi-sync technology he has managed to recollect 3 previous lives to his own, that go back to the Mid to Late 19th century.

    JWH - "You are the GODS! - Inclusion of the Eternal Light of Love and you shall never die”.

    “Death is Just the Beginning of Life”